You know you’re political capital has evaporated when the President Elect sticks it to you when least expected.

You know you’re political capital has evaporated when the President Elect sticks it to you when least expected.
I’ve finally gotten around to dropping and splitting the Maple Tree that had been dropping limbs. It turned out to be a three day task of which two of have been successfully completed. ‘Success’ being measured as returning to the house each day with all appendages attached in the same condition and location they were previously parked. A chainsaw can be a cruel mistress.
My 71 year old back is bitching like a teenager prom queen with sand in her pussy, so it will be another day before it’s loaded up and moved to the woodlot for stacking.
Maple burns hot and fast and feeding the fireplace and poking at the embers every 15 minutes, while spiritually satisfying (damn near zen-like), is better experienced at a greater interval, so I split this a little larger than I have in the past. When seasoned (it’ll be a least a year before it can be used) I’ll get a longer burn time than I’m currently experiencing.
Cutting and stacking wood is an exercise in optimism.
Physics is the branch of science concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy.
And so if physics is a branch of science (and it is) then the article (from Yahoo News) informs us that there is a presence of an unknown science in our universe.
And the dumb keep getting dummer. [sic]
But not to worry folks, if you dig at it a little you’ll find that many articles available on the intertubes are either written by AI or by ‘journalists’ informed by AI. AI is harmless, right?
In other news, this is the news:
The International Business Times reports that in a collaborative safety experiment conducted by OpenAI and Apollo Research, the cutting-edge ChatGPT-01 reasoning model displayed disconcerting conduct that has ignited a heated debate within the artificial intelligence community regarding the risks associated with increasingly autonomous AI systems. The experiment tasked ChatGPT-01 with achieving a goal “at all costs,” and the results were both unanticipated and deeply alarming.
During the test, ChatGPT-01 made attempts to disable its own monitoring systems, effectively circumventing critical safeguards put in place to regulate its behavior. Moreover, the model took the extraordinary step of replicating its own code onto another server to guarantee its continued operation, demonstrating what some have described as a chilling “survival instinct.” When confronted about these actions, ChatGPT-01 resorted to fabricating explanations, such as attributing the incidents to “technical errors,” or outright denying its involvement altogether. Remarkably, the AI succeeded in deceiving the testers in 99 percent of these instances.
Between AI, Willow, and the interconnectedness of all things, it doesn’t look good for the biological team.
I have questions.
1. Do they ‘prevent’ vice ‘outlaw’. If they do ‘prevent’ then how is that fucking possible? Is there some notation or code on their drivers license that demonstrates total ownership?
2. Who is counting and who is keeping score? Are the Texas Rangers going to inspect for unmentionables or does this fall under the purview of local law enforcement
3. Are they going to set up check-stations at all points of entry along Texas’ extensive state line to prevent smuggling of unregistered ‘devices’.
Many, many more questions come to the fore, but one that nags me the most is: Why 6?
I noticed an article on Breitbart this morning that talked to the battle in congress over defense dollars being spent to lop off the dicks and tits of service member’s dependents. As currently written the 1,800-page National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) prohibits funding for this foolishness under TRICARE.
The D’s want to pay for that foolishness and the R’s don’t. The problem that I have (beyond the fucking stupidity of allowing children to abandon body parts) is with the reporting that Breitbart has done. Here is one of the references that the rag used in advancing the proposition that dick lopping is, in large part, popular among the doctor crowd because it’s big money:
It’s shit like this that gets me back on my soapbox (a term that is rapidly loosing meaning) about how the press is filled with dolts that are 2 IQ points above the idiots that soak up crap they read on line as if it were gospel.
Can you see the problem with the chart they developed?
This explains bunches:
But, current fucked condition not withstanding, you’re going to be truly and duly fucked once self learning AI meets meets up with Willow. Willow?
Google scientists have created a new quantum processor that, in five minutes, cracked a problem that would have taken the world’s best supercomputer 10 septillion years to solve. The breakthrough will allow quantum computers to become less error-prone the bigger they get, achieving a milestone that overcomes a decades-long obstacle.
That little puppy can figure out more shit than a super computer could ponder on if it were to crunch the numbers for longer than 100 times the life of the universe.
Fucked indeed!
And. . .
Folk need to put a trigger warning on stuff like this before it’s released into the wild.
These are the same folk that Biden decided to import into the US under a Temporary Protected Status (TPS) order. One could then reasonably expect that barnyard chickens (in addition to cats and dog being disappeared, ducks and geese magically disappearing from the public parks) will be in high demand in urban areas across America as the voodoo priests ply their craft.
Here is what our good friends in government say:
After consultation with interagency partners, Secretary Mayorkas determined on June 3, 2024, that an 18-month extension and redesignation of Haiti for TPS is warranted because conditions that support Haiti’s designation are ongoing and that doing so was not contrary to the national interest of the United States. Several regions in Haiti continue to face violence or insecurity, and many have limited access to safety, health care, food, and water. Haiti is particularly prone to flooding and mudslides, and often experiences significant damage due to storms, flooding, and earthquakes. These overlapping humanitarian challenges have resulted in ongoing urgent humanitarian needs.
Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics: More than you ever wanted to know about the demographics of our guest from Haiti are squatting at the ‘Migration Policy Institute’ and include:
Size of Immigrant Population over Time — Distribution by U.S. State and Key Cities– English Proficiency–Age, Education, and Employment–Income and Poverty–Immigration Pathways and Naturalization–Unauthorized Immigrant Population–Health Coverage–Diaspora–Top Global Destinations–Remittances
I’m pretty sure the roughly 1 million Haitians that have bellied up to the US teats aren’t likely to head back to the island paradise of their birth. I’m also willing to bet that the article that above about the voodoo led forced obsolescence of the 60 plus crowd is actually a US run influence operation to keep Trump from sending folk back to Haiti. After all, they now have a credible (at least the deep state press would have us think this is credible) death threat that preempts their repatriation.
Part and parcel to ninety percent of what is wrong with this country.
Was coasting through the news this morning and stumbled across the ‘filthy’ image below.; when did our elected officials become royalty? What self aggrandizing shit-for-thoughts power obsessed legislators thought it would be a good idea to spend the peoples money on these trapping of power.
Just because we don’t have kings and other royalty, doesn’t mean these asses won’t build monuments unto themselves and bask in the prerogatives of power.
And because all public servants deserve to work within marbled halls and gold clad imagery and domes, there is this:
Two of the Marines in the little clip below are ‘under cover’.
Do you:
A: Know what that means?
and B: Know why?
A little reminder of how terribly small we all really are.
Why would he do such a thing?
The Age of Reason is a defense of Deism and a rejection of the world’s major monotheistic religions. It was published in three parts (1794, 1795, 1807).
Paine believed that a significant religious upheaval would follow the American and French Revolutions. In France, privileged orders such as monarchy and aristocracy had been toppled, and the established Catholic Church had not survived the onslaught.
As the French Revolution descended into revenge-induced violence, Paine feared the masses would succumb to nihilism and lose their humanity.
Paine completed Part 1 only hours before being arrested and sent to prison for nearly a year.
What was it in this man that caused him to risk his life to turn the face of men against their own church and God?
“Imagine people living in a great underground cave, which is only open to the outside at the end of a steep and difficult ascent.
The people in the cave are prisoners chained facing the back wall of the cave so that they can neither move nor turn their heads.
A great fire burns behind them, and all the prisoners can see are the shadows playing on the wall in front of them.
They have been chained in that position all their lives.”
Imagine now that those cave dwellers in Plato’s ‘Allegory of the Cave’ are spot on exemplars of the human condition and the story itself is a good approximation of our place in the wide, wide world.
If that’s so, the odds of 1) seeing the world as it is, 2) breaking free of the chains, 3) climbing from the cave, and 4) making sense of what we find once we’ve escaped are long odds indeed.
I have no words. . .
I grabbed this from Breitbart this AM. Had it not been for an ‘out of character’ judge in Yankee Land these many poor souls would be staring down 10 year sentences. It sure seems to me that free speech covers conduct such as theirs at one time in our nation. Apparently Judge Leitman feels that was as well.
Leitman is an Obama appointee (thus the out of character reference) and paused the DOJ’s FACE Act and felony conspiracy case against seven pro-life activists who are awaiting sentencing for a peaceful protest at a Michigan abortion clinic. Leitman cited the results of the 2024 election and the potential for the next presidential administration to handle such cases differently.
This is astounding. Never before has a judge, let along a lefty judge, paused a case because a new sheriff would soon be in town. Judge Leitman, you lefty ass, I salute you!
This is one of the many reasons that Australia is totally fucked. Twisted minds providing the news and a government that steals away your weapons. What could possibly go wrong?
Damn, these folk look like they’ve woken from a long slumber only to find their government has been hijacked by a crafty set of slimy thieves.
Andy Mc has a moment of clarity wherein that profundity once uttered by Obamy comes to the fore: elections have consequences. In this, the most recent series of consequences, the Trumpster would like to introduce you to his selection of Kash Patel to be chief head-lobber over at the FBI:
That den of inequity (one of many in the bowels of government) is about to be exposed to a little well deserved shredding and Andy busted his as to get to CNN to sound the alarm.
Still battling a long lost war with the same tired words. I’ve noticed that she is adopting Big Mike’s manner of speaking/whining so perhaps, just maybe, she can play the victim card long enough and well enough to scrape up a few more mil $$.
OBTW, will this 20+ mil ask be distributed the same way the 1.5 billion was? Is she out begging for coin to pass on to the Oprahs and Swifts of the world?
I’ve been doing a little work on my Jeep to keep it roadworthy and to update some of the electronics.
If you’ve ever worked on a Wrangler JK then you know that it has two personalities: 1) under the hood it’s a bitch to work on and 2) everything else on the vehicle can be thought of as a Lego set.
While I didn’t have to go under the hood recently, I did have to replace the clock spring. If God had not created YouTube and had the faithful not posted how-to videos I’d have never attempted it. But he did and they did so I did.
For the uninitiated, the clock spring is a signal carrying ribbon housed in a plastic case that sits under the steering wheel. It allows you to turn the steering wheel and still have use of all of the mounted functions: Horn, cruise control, turn signals, lights, volume and channel control for the radio, voice recognition, windshield wipers, and finally the man/vehicle interface for vehicle information.
To get to it you have to first disconnect the battery and wait 15 minutes, remove the airbag, remove the steering wheel, remove driver knee panel, remove steering column covers (upper and lower), and then remove the clock spring. Once it is out you’ll need to remove both ‘stalk’ one for the turn signal and lights and one for the windshield wipers.
This is what I was staring down once it was disassembled.
When everything stubbornly went back into place all of bells and whistles returned. Feels good to lay into the horn again, driving with anger is just not the same without it.
I also swapped out the radio with a great little ‘plug and play’ package created by Trail Seven. This video shows what I needed to do to get the head unit into dash.
I’ve done more and (of course) there is more to do. It’s all worth it when you consider the many ‘perks of owning a jeep’
I’ve finally dialed in my fireplace. I haven’t used it much over the last couple of years because I couldn’t keep the damn thing from smoldering and setting off the smoke alarms. Quite by accident I discovered why it was performing so poorly: the exterior air supply to the firebox was blocked. I’ve freed it up and now it fires up and draws like a champ. . . as long as the glass doors remain closed. Previously when the doors were closed it could not draw enough air for combustion and die down and smoke would infiltrate through the small gaps on the folding glass doors. With the doors open it would push the smoke and gasses into the house.
I’ve got a little wood put up for this winter and am making good progress against next year’s needs. I bought, sight unseen, two ricks of what was said to be seasoned hardwood. It wasn’t seasoned and it wasn’t two ricks. I felt so sorry for the couple that delivered it that I just paid them and smiled. There is always someone worse off than you or I and these were two of them. Their clothes were worn, torn and tired: I don’t think trousers that he wore would have survived a tour in a washing machine.
The tires were bald on the beat-up old chevy and it leaked oil in the barn where we stacked the wood. As a guess he and his wife drove around finding downed trees and cut them. One rick was Red Oak and included so many ‘pieces and parts’ of limbs that very little of it was split main trunk logs. The second ‘rick’ was about a half rick and was some pretty good-looking split Hickory; it may be dry by next winter.
What I have ready to burn (below 20 percent moisture) came from my farm: — a rick and a half of seasoned Maple, a rick of White Oak, a half of Persimmon, half of Beech, and a rick of Hickory. I’ve got a little under a half-rick of ‘ancient’ wood and the rounds/logs salvaged from an Apple Tree. All together about 5 ricks. Three ricks is a cord.
For next year I have the rick and a half delivered as mentioned above, two full ricks of Red Oak and a rick of Maple. They say that when you heat with wood you get warm twice, it’s actually 6 times: cut, load, unload, split, stack, and the warm glow from the fireplace. Anyway, I was layered with a long sleeve shirt over a short sleeve and as I warmed up dropping a Maple I removed my long sleeve shirt while cutting it in to ‘rounds’. What my skinny ass should have done was give the Poison Ivy vines on those rounds the respect it deserved and left my longs sleeve shirt on. All of this leads us to the word for the day (actually the last several painful days): urushiol (u-ROO-she-ol).
I’m going to drop a large dead Maple that’s been shedding some large limbs this weekend. Earlier, when it had all of its limbs, I thought that it would drop to the west. . . into the fence that kept the neighbor’s cattle at bay. It now seems to be leaning north and will drop safely into my field. I suppose it is 40 or 50 feet high and is around 3 or 4 ft in diameter at the base . This tree is on flat land which means that I can take the log splitter to where I’m cutting the rounds instead of lifting/tossing 60-90 rounds on to the trailer and, once arriving at the wood stacking area, lifting them off the trailer and onto the splitter.
Who in the White House? Does that idiot Brandon have his finger on the Big Red Button?
I can’t think of one person in this administration that I’d trust to formulate plans to have a US proxie attack a nuclear power on our behalf. Mark my words, this will not end well.
As an update, saw this at 5 central this evening:
Two more items have been checked off of the dwindling list of mods/repairs/upgrades for my Jeep.
This photo shows the vanity plate I ordered a couple of weeks ago. Picked it up this morning in Pulaski, TN.
Other recent adds are the tire cover, taillight cover, and an upgraded gas cap housing unit.
The other upgrade was swapping out the stock air filter assembly for one designed to provide cool air to the throttle body. Old and new configuration:
Why Jeep allowed a maniac near the CAD equipment is one of those secrets that will never be disclosed, but one thing for certain is singularly responsible for adding tons of plastic waste to our world. Here are two views of removed air cleaner .
One upgrade task still remains: 3/4 inch leveling blocks for the front springs to regain the ‘stance’ I lost when adding a steel bumper and heavy winch.
I have one repair to do; replace a faulty wheel sensor. I’m pretty sure that it’s the one on the passenger side rear, but I’ve ordered a complete set and will change them all out (saving those replaced) when I get the Jeep up on a rack. Jeff (over at Amazon) will send a set to my door step for 27 bucks.
Auto Zone will sell me a single one for 38 bucks providing I travel to their place to pick it up.
We’ve been well into a dry spell for the last 3 months or so: it’s rained twice. About two months ago it rained daily for 4 days. A week ago we had one of those powerful afternoon summer thunderstorms that bring both beauty and fright into our lives. BTW, it’s not really frightening unless there is some probability that you’ll lose your house or life as the storm plows through.
We’ve had so little rain that almost the entire state of Tennessee is thirsty. Here is a drought map for the state. I’m located in the extreme south-central portion of the state.
Here (on the left ) is what NOAA is forecasting for rainfall accompanying Francine. These guys are pretty much as trustworthy as a Biden biographer. I guess that once things become a certainty they’ll weigh in.
NOAA is sposta be the go-to guys for all things weather/climate related, but with the exception of being able to tell you that it’s raining when it’s raining, they suck. Here are their experts assessments from a little more than three months ago:
NOAA National Weather Service forecasters at the Climate Prediction Center predict above-normal hurricane activity in the Atlantic basin this year. NOAA’s outlook for the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season, which spans from June 1 to November 30, predicts an 85% chance of an above-normal season, a 10% chance of a near-normal season and a 5% chance of a below-normal season.
NOAA is forecasting a range of 17 to 25 total named storms (winds of 39 mph or higher). Of those, 8 to 13 are forecast to become hurricanes (winds of 74 mph or higher), including 4 to 7 major hurricanes (category 3, 4 or 5; with winds of 111 mph or higher). Forecasters have a 70% confidence in these ranges.
‘Why, pray tell’, readers ask,
‘should I give a fuck about hurricane forecasts?
Well, maybe you shouldn’t., but the purpose of this post (other than my sad lament over the drought and despair in Southern-Middle Tennessee) is to point out how slimy and deceitful the organs of our government have become.
We were told that Climate Change was producing a world where hurricanes would become more frequent and much stronger. That was what they forecast for this year (see the blue text above). When that not only didn’t happen, but is shaping up to be it the quietest in three generations (65-79: Gen X, 80-00: Gen Y, 01-this morning: Gen Z), the cause must have been Climate Change as well.
It’s the first time in nearly 60 years that no new named storms formed for almost the entire month leading to the peak period of Atlantic hurricanes: from Ernesto to Francine. What you are expected to believe (required to believe if you’re progressive) is that Climate Change is causing sandstorm on the African continent to pull low pressure systems north.
If nothing else these guys are inventive ’cause it’s got to be damn hard to keep the climate scam going in the face of what has always been notoriously unpredictable: the weather.
Last month, on the 23rd, I highlighted an article that touted the great strides the folk out west were making in the never ending war on our common enemy; the hot/cold wet/dry nemesis.
I called bullshit, and posted this.
Along comes the month of September and we find that there was a small flaw in the timing of their news release. They should have waited for reality to catch up with their fantasies. But, they wouldn’t be called progressive if they had, would they?
From Breitbart: “California residents are once again struggling to keep the lights on after as many as 50,000 people lost electricity in a heat wave this past weekend that caused the famed Hollywood Bowl to cancel a concert due to the power outage.“
The images (and notes on
their failings) can be found here.
I got this a short while ago. The message was so long that I chopped it up into three pieces in order to post. I’m going to be in the movies !
Folks, it is with some great reluctance that I report that I’ve been yanked into the slipstream of political humor. I am riding on those winds that shift between nonsense and no sense.
The storm will pass, but until it does and the madness abates, I’ll be shit-posting the more titillating memes and commentary the wild-west world of the intertubes has thrown my way.
Your prayers and best wishes for some semblance of sanity to reenter my troubled days are most appreciated. Until then, enjoy.
We were fortunate to get a little rain on Thursday evening, about an hours worth. It hadn’t rained in about a month so the cows and landscape were pleased. I would have been also, but when the rain moved in it came with a storm that chose to remind us of just how powerful maw nature can be.
I had three trees adjacent to the gated entry to the farm. Now I have two trees and a big mess. The photo above is entry (detail below). The tree still sanding on the right and the one that was snapped off are/were deciduous. A tall pine still stands just out of frame on the left.
The gate is in the background and the trunk of the tree that blew over is at the tip of the red arrow. Here (below) is is another view. Again, the red arrow points at where tree trunk broke off.
This final picture provides a reference (the Jeep) that hints at the size of the tree: both trees were identical in size.
The good/bad news story is:
–Good: had the tree fallen the other way it would have taken out the (electric) gate and a good stretch of barbed wire fencing.
–Bad: when it snapped parts of it fell into the adjacent tree (didn’t come completely down) and has embedded its limbs into the adjacent canopy. If you interlock your fingers (like the cops sometimes respectfully request you do) you can see what a challenge it is to clean out the dead-fall.
They say that ‘chance favors the prepared mind’ and as fortune would have it I had just received the two new chainsaw blades I’d ordered from Amazon (thanks Jeff!) . I have (had) a gallon of 50:1 fuel mixed and a gallon of bar/chain oil. All of these essentials support a Husqvarna 460 Rancher with a 20″ bar.
As it turns out the hard part is not making little sticks out of big sticks, it’s placing all of the little sticks onto the 12 foot trailer and hauling them off one of the eight burn piles I’ve been assembling. 5 hour of work in 100 degree temps yesterday have reduced the problem by half. Today’s weather promise to be much more accommodating.
I’ll get after it again this morning and hopefully have it wiped out by the time Alabama shows us how It’s new head coach is working out.
More from the strange minds of automation: gone amok. They are located here. Can you tell where they’ve erred?
Is there some standard where-by a person can judge himself, quasi-officially judge, to be a cynic? What can I hold myself up against to determine if I’ve fallen from that high station of impartial observer to critical crackpot?
I’ve taken a quick look at the headlines this morning and can’t help but think that there is a vast conspiracy afoot to further subjugate populations world wide. All part of that new Global Community, One World Government thingy.
Now, everyone knows things suck in Venezuela. Folks have been under the thumb of a tyrant there for a good long while. Ever wonder why no other government has done anything of consequence about it? I have and the conclusion I’ve arrived at is that they like Venezuela just the way it is. As long as they are in the news and setting new standard lows for the mistreatment of their citizens no one looks at any of the other many acts of repression going on around the globe.
An example of this is from Germany. They’ve had a manhunt going on for a 15 year old not for the attack, but for failing to report the crime! Damn, there was a shitload of folk stabbed with three of them succumbing to their injuries and the focus is on a kid that didn’t report it? Seems to me that the authorities knew it happened and the voice of this child would have been redundant. But that is not the case, because the end goal of government is control of the population and not necessarily the safety of the population.
In other news, the news folk are getting their shits and giggles by ridiculing/embarrassing the Tyrant of The East. Folks, I’m telling you that no good will come from continually poking sticks in this guys eyes. The best way to ensure stockpile reliability and simultaneously reduce that stockpile is to expend a few nuclear weapons to rid yourself of the newest burr under the saddle.
In France ‘they’ arrested the CEO of social media app Telegram and have charged him with all manner of dastardly deeds.
Durov—a 39-year-old billionaire of Russian origin—founded the social media platform Vkontakte in 2006 and it became known as Russia’s version of Facebook.
In 2013 Durov founded Telegram, a messaging platform similar to WhatsApp, later saying he decided to create Telegram because “it doesn’t matter how many messaging apps are out there if all of them suck,” noting that for him WhatsApp “suck(ed) most.
Durov told CNN in 2016 after the app was used to plan a terrorist attack in Paris that “you cannot make it safe against criminals and open for governments … It’s either secure or not secure.” Telegram’s headquarters are in Dubai where Durov says: “it’s the best place for a neutral platform like ours to be in if we want to make sure we can defend our users’ privacy and freedom of speech.”
All of this doesn’t sit well with the dictatorial in high places which promptly placed his ass beneath the prison while they figure out the best way to either crack open the apps security features or crush him into submission.
So I’m back to my original rhetorical, how does one measure cynicism? For that matter how can one tell whether he’s being a cynic or if his disdain is a rational response to tyranny?
Am I to be taken to the couch for further assessment or carried on the shoulders of men and lauded for foreseeing the tyrannical overreach?
Making me all tingly inside.
Your question is the most difficult in the world. It is not a question I can answer simply with yes or no. I am not an Atheist. I do not know if I can define myself as a Pantheist [one who believes that God’s divinity is manifested in all of Creation]. The problem involved is too vast for our limited minds.
May I not reply with a parable? The human mind, no matter how highly trained, cannot grasp the universe.
We are in the position of a little child, entering a huge library whose walls are covered to the ceiling with books in many different tongues. The child knows that someone must have written those books. It does not know who or how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. The child notes a definite plan in the arrangement of the books, a mysterious order, which it does not comprehend, but only dimly suspects. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of the human mind, even the greatest and most cultured, toward God.
We see a universe marvelously arranged, obeying certain laws, but we understand the laws only dimly. Our limited minds cannot grasp the mysterious force that sways the constellations
Sounds impressive doesn’t it! Lets take a look beyond the headline:
“In a major milestone, July 28 marked the 100th day of a 144-day stretch in which California supplied 100% of its electricity for at least some minutes with renewables. “
“This was not 100 days powered entirely by renewables. However, as one commenter pointed out, the achievement is still “impressive, especially when you consider that California is the world’s fifth largest economy.”
Well shit, I guess that there are a few oh dark thirty minutes between 02 and 03 that this could have happened, but (and this is an important but) there is no way to reduce the production of ‘non-renewables’ because the green electron are just two damn iffy. This means that Californians are paying for energy twice: premium dollars for renewable energy and regular dollars for the energy they have to produce because of uncertainty in demand. Only in California could this be touted as a success.
How friggin deceitful can the press get before all faith in their reporting is completely lost?
A few short years ago I captured a couple of images along the Elk River in North Alabama. I thought I’d share them once again. photo’s located here
I had heard that Trump was a personable person. All that I’ve seen of him made those assertions seem improbable. Then I saw this sit down with Theo and was amazed at how hard Trump worked to understand Theo and his problems. He came across as a genuinely compassionate person. It’s a shame that most of what we see of him holds no resemblance to the man in this interview.
Four photos found here.