The 7th Saying in the Gospel of Thomas is entirely different than words spoken by Jesus in the New Testament. It says:
(7) Jesus said, “Blessed is the lion which becomes man when consumed by man; and cursed is the man whom the lion consumes, and the lion becomes man.”
Rather than try and understand this saying by replacing the word ‘lion’ with a word or phrase and then determining if the saying remains true on both sides of the parable (blessed is a lion and cursed is a man), lets step back from that mechanical approach and ask if this saying provides insight into the spiritual world that God created and our relationship to Him in that realm? If we can, then an interpretation of the 7th Sayings could be:
God created spiritual powers and forces for man to subdue and wield; they enhance and complete the man and both are returned to God and live in the Kingdom. Should these forces consume and subdue the man he falls away from God and the powers return God.