While surfing the other day I found the following ‘news’ article on one of the many sites I stumbled across. So I followed it just to see what was behind the door.
Turns out there is a tremendous number (well beyond 600) of courses available on line for free. Keep in mind that the courses are free, not the diploma or the certificates . Given that I already have my Bachelor’s and two Master’s, not to mention that I have absolutely no intention of reentering the workforce, I could drink from this well free of cost. Here’s the link to the ‘600 courses’ site.
So, the link will take you to the article. The article list courses that are provided on several different platforms. If you were to drill down on each platform you’ll find that it offers courses far in excess of 600. For instance, I wanted to learn more about photography. I found it on the ‘600 courses’ article, followed it to the ‘Coursea’ site, and then found that Coursea (here) offers more than 2700 courses. Note that you get past the costs they indicate by selecting the ‘Audit course’ option. Other links on the ‘600 courses’ article lead to platforms other than Coursea..
Fans will be pleased to know that I will be taking English and Grammar courses in due time.