The Tree of Liberty

WND has a great commentary on the ‘why and how’ of our national malaise. A few paragraphs in it reads:

Like the rest of our Founding Fathers, Jefferson knew that government was at its best a mechanism to be closely observed and strictly constrained. He understood that government must be fiercely constrained or it would become the creation by which our rights and freedoms would be sadistically controlled to the exclusion of the personal rights and freedoms of We the People.

The worst fears of our Founding Fathers have become reality. Two things the founders were unable to protect our great republic from were the evil machinations of corrupt men and an inbred craven citizenry. Thus, both of these illegitimate vagrancies have led America to the very precipice of destruction vis-a-vis the satanic transmogrification of government – a precipice, I might add, President Trump for the moment has spared us from going over.

Full article can be found here.

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