2 Replies to “She’s A UN-Americian”

  1. Heh. There are blue Botts dots on the streets in our neighborhood to mark fire hydrants. My wife says those dots are to guide the UN helicopters. I responded that the UN better bring plenty of body bags, because our neighborhood is “marginal”, “has character”, “is working class””has had a demographic shift” and the UN will come under fire from weapons they didn’t even know existed except in the imagination of some fevered gun designer. It will be a very short-lived invasion.

    1. I like the way you and your wife think. I’ll bet that the UN constantly pushes on the leaders within the US to disarm our population. There is no way to get to a ‘one world government’ as long as those pesky patriots have the means to resist. This is just another reason to resist every attempt to limit access to our most fundamental right.

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