2 Replies to “Channel Your Green Energy Wisely. Put China In The Box First”

  1. Hope this doesn’t sound too stupid, but I found a new source for my floss picks. Those things are remarkable, and make it so easy to pick meat out from between my teeth. Every damned one of them Made in China. I looked and looked and looked but to no avail. Well, yesterday I was in HEB with my wife, and I wandered over to the toothbrush aisle, and low and behold! DenTek has floss picks Made in Vietnam. Outstanding! I bought three packages. It’s a small, a terribly small thing, but my wife says the Grand Canyon was created with one drop of water at a time. We are going to actively remove all Made in China products from our lives and our purchasing. You go, DenTek!

    Yes, I know I should want my floss picks made in USA, but a floss pick is a tiny bit of plastic with a tine piece of dental floss at the end that costs about a tenth of a cent to produce per unit. I don’t expect to see floss pick manufacturing in the USA in my homeland.

    1. Your wife is a wise woman. Any single item (every single item) that we change from China to wherever turns into a tide (or the Colorado River) when 300+ million Americans throw their shoulder to the wheel.

      Believe it or not, we serve our nation greatly even with the smallest acts.


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