Bailing Is Done !

My neighbor brought the hay rake and bailer up this morning and together we gathered 34 bales of hay. A bail is about 5 feet in diameter and 6 feet long. I’d ran the rake pulled on the back of my New Holland while he pulled the bailer behind his John Deere.

I’ll get the hay spear put on tomorrow or the next day and move the hay out of the field and into a holding area, but there is no hurry as I choose not to go fishing with the weather in the high 90’s (as it is until next Saturday).

This hay is not as ‘clean’ as the bales we put up earlier in the year, it has a lot of mature sage grass in it….cows don’t like mature sage grass, but they are ok with it when is is younger. Lynn advised that we should feed this cutting to them first, in the early part of the hay cycle, when they are not relying on high nutritional content. As the winter progresses we give them the better content hay, big buckets of molasses (100+ pounds), sweet mix, and corn. This keeps them happy and healthy as they nurse whatever calves they are soon to drop.

I did go fishing the other day and tried out the new lures I purchased: caught two bass. Nothing worth keeping, and certainly nothing to brag about, but I went bass fishing and caught bass. Life is full of small pleasures!

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