2 Replies to “A Simple Lesson on Liberalism”

  1. Hey, Cut It Out! That is not at all what Liberalism is all about. Your problem is that you are still stuck on that 1932 FDR lie, so as to hide his Progressive ideology. Its PROGRESSIVISM that is all about Control.
    Educate yourself, for heavens sake. John Locke, the father of Liberalism is rolling over in his grave as a result of all the lies.

    1. Thanks for the invitation to ‘educate myself for heavens sake’ John. I’d submit myself to that pain reluctantly, preferring to stand pat with my undergraduate degree (4.0 by the way) and my two Master of Science degrees. While not degree producing my 9 undergraduate courses (that produced a Systems Engineering Certificate) and 6 additional graduate courses (producing an additional Masters Certificate of Training) is about all I can stomach.

      My one great educational failing is grammar and, as you probably already noticed, I struggle to put down a coherent sentence.

      More to your important point: Our language has been hijacked such that there is now a difference (though logic suggests that there shouldn’t be) between a Libertarian and a Liberal. If I were to jot down a list of liberals in congress I’d get a page full of names that, should we choose to follow their proposed agenda, completely and irrevocably doom this nation to a future as a communist shithole. This is the liberalism that the meme targeted.

      So, as Orwell wrote: “War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength” and, as Garry suggests, Liberalism is slavery.

      I’d guess, given that you’ve invoked Locke, that you and I are pretty close to being in agreement on the societal benefits from the free exercise of liberty. Our language is being used against us John and I don’t think that you and I are going to turn the tide and reverse how society chooses to use the terms you and I seem to be in disagreement about. Let us choose to fight the good fight against the evil that liberals propose and not get bogged down in the terms.

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