“So Google bought this AI company called DeepMind,” Vorhies replied. “Let me just put it in plain language what that is, DeepMind was creating a god-like AI system that is able to ingest the available public information on the internet and make sense of it. Think of it like Amazon Alexa except much much much more intelligent. This AI system was moved out of the UK I believe and placed into China, and it’s been dubbed the AI Manhattan Project.”
Vorhies continued: “Peter Thiel — he accused Google of acting in a treasonous way. This is how serious this project is. It’s the most sophisticated and advanced AI project in the world made by an American company and placed in China.”
Mansour noted that Google was placing this AI project in a country with numerous human rights violations and asked if this AI was going to be used for surveillance of citizens.
Vorhies stated: “When people think of surveillance they usually think of country surveillance. This is planetary surveillance of all information that is available on the surface web and also any sources that it can get in the deep web and utilizing Google’s extensive deep analysis of its book scanning stuff. So think of the Library of Alexandria of all available websites that you can search for and all that data gets fused together and a decision-making process gets formed because of that. This is essentially what the Google DeepMind project is all about.”