South Korea, South and Central America, and American Tough Love

Earlier in my life I had a 20 year stint in the Army. One of the places that I served was in Korea, it was the late 70’s and that nation was both still recovering from it’s war and trying desperately to join the 20th century.

I returned to Korea in the early 90’s for a couple of weeks on another Army mission and found that the struggling masses there had completed their journey into the modern era. How was it that Korea evolved into a robust and modern society while so many other countries have not been able to make the leap? I’m pretty sure it was due to the tough love that the United States dished out. The US set up a ration system for American goods; Korean’s could not buy anything made in America, they were forced to make their own goods. Everything everyone of their citizens needed had to be produced in their own country. This set the wheels of commerce in motion and, via the wonders of capitalism, the Korea that we see today emerged. In short, they were forced to solve their own problems (albeit with US assistance).

Turning to South and Central America; if I lived in one of the many shit-holes there you could bet your ass that I’d move to the United States in anyway I could. Borders or not, I’d drag my butt by hook or by crook into the safe zone (US)…….if it were possible. Speaking for myself here, the only way that I would stay and fight against the tyrants, gangs, dictators and the graft would be if I had no other choice. If coming into the US was impossible, I’d be forced to fix what was broke at home.

So therein lays the rub. The goodheartedness of the citizens of our own country is prolonging the inevitable in South and Central America. Until these ‘refugees’ and ‘migrants’ are called to task to solve their own issues, the madness will continue.

Some would rightfully argue that our permissiveness at the border is by design. That heartless US politicians pull at the heartstrings of our own citizens to bolster the roles of the Democratic base. I count myself among those with such beliefs.

Evil takes many forms, not the least of which is the manipulation of good people with the intent of doing them harm. The Democrat’s, with their actions on our southern border, harm not only our citizens, but also an unbelievable number of Central and South Americans that are forced to live under tyrannical regimes because their own citizenry has been given options other that solving their problems.

I don’t condemn our population of democrats that show a loving heart. I do wish that they could see how thoroughly they have been manipulated and awaken to the damage they are doing to millions upon millions of lives south of our border.

The politicians, however, would sell their very soul for continued power and wealth. They deserve our condemnation and scorn.

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