My Winter Coat and Weight

I wandered down to the south side of the property a little earlier today to see just how bad the rain/storms had ravaged the area where I used to have my garden planted.

I’m standing on what was a waterfall we had constructed all the rabble and rock in the foreground is what has accreted in what was once a pool that was 2 foot deep or so. You can see how the water has blown out the far side of the fall and ripped away at the hillside in the background. What cannot be seen is the post that existed on the far side and the cattle panels that crossed the ‘dam’ that kept the cows on one side of the fence (or other).

The picture below is where the garden was. I’m standing pretty close to where the picture above was taken from. This area was previously filled with raised beds and dirt filled tires. The blue objects in the background are 50 gallon drums that I used to water the garden. I connected a small 12 DC pump to a battery and pumped water out of the creek into the drums.

I ginned up a manifold system on the barrels so I could water the entire garden by opening and closing valves. Here is what the area looked like before I ripped everything out and moved it to the hilltop near the cabin. It got dark down by the creek.

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Just to the right of the drums is the area of the creek that I pumped the water from. Notice how dark it is in the creek.

Had this area not set down in a valley and only received 6 or so hours of sunlight daily, my garden would still be there. With the water fall noises in the background I could piddle here all day every day.

There was no real planned bottom line to this rambling other than noting that things are in a constant state of change. I guess man could properly be called ‘changlings’, as we not only change, but constantly note the change. With all this said, I guess I begin working on changing out of my winter weight!

Have a great evening.

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