Well, I’ve got to get off of my ass and run into Huntsville today; Son-In-Law has sharpened the blades and performed an oil change on the zero-turn mower and has brought my little Honda tiller back to life.
I went in on Monday and on Tuesday they reported that the pharmacy I had gone to had a employee test positive for the virus…….on Wednesday they reported that the employee had self quarantined a week earlier. What a bunch of self serving asses, they should have reported the quarantine a week earlier.
Anyway, will do shopping while I’m out: Fresh goods for two weeks (vs my normal weeks worth) as I would prefer not to have to deal with the crazies once the infection rate begins it’s inevitable climb. All plans subject to change based on the behavior of the marauding idiots that think their world will be excellent-more better if they scoop up anything/everything of nutritional value.