Seedlings and Other Tales

Surprisingly, I had cabbage appear in the seeding tray last night. Hard to believe that what should have taken 10-15 days to appear, showed up in 2. I started 10- seeds of two types: ‘Early Golden Acre‘ and ‘Ferry’s Round Dutch‘. The former is an early variety that harvests in 60 days, the later in 71. Again, my thoughts are to put out more than I need in case the sky falls in and we ramp up the number of folk that garden needs to support. Cabbage can be stored for a couple of years if fermented (sauerkraut) and canned so what isn’t immediately needed will be available for the next crisis.

All of the pepper’s are up and growing in the tray except the California Wonder (green bell pepper). I’ll be moving these into solo cups this week to make room in my mini-greenhouse for the many other seeds that need to be hurried along.

I drove into Redstone Arsenal yesterday to collect the wife’s meds. They have kinda/sorta figured out how to do drive by distribution. It was slow and clumsy but I felt much better about collecting them that way then walking into a crowded facility where everyone was sick. The Asian market is about 4 miles from the Arsenal, so I stopped by there and picked up some more kimchi sauce and a Korean Radish for another batch.

I got a note from Victory Seed Company this morning letting me know that my most recent order has shipped. This will get me egg plant, dill, Napa lettuce, and arugula (alternative to basil for pesto) and a few other things.

Now if the weather will just cooperate, I could get all of the beds conditioned and primed tor a great gardening season.

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