We did get a good amount of slow steady rain for the last few days and the coming week looks promising as well.
The blueberries are hitting on all cylinders and I’m picking off ripe berries and canning them into delicious jam every other day. I’ll be picking and canning again today. I’ve put up 24 half pint jars from the three batches thus far, about half of what I’d like to have on hand for eat’n and for gift’n.
The jalapeno’s are at the point where some will need to come of the plants soon. I’ll be putting these up as slices and as an important ingredient when salsa making time rolls around (another month?). Right now I’m looking at making some pepper jelly out of them. I’ve gathered several good recipes all of which call for bell peppers (which are rare in my garden right now) and none of which call for banana peppers (of which there are some few more), so I’ll be experimenting some as I put these up.
My excuse for not posting yesterday is/was the mowing and weed-eating of the front fence line; about 1600 linear feet. The mowing part is easy, trimming under the barb wire and around the T-posts could have been a pain in the ass if it were not so beautiful out. The posting will be less numerous than in the past as I’m making an earnest attempt to avoid shallow political memes; I’ll still throw up a particularly poignant one (or more) if they are enlightening or humorous.