Around the Farm

I’ve been busting my butt (which actually means I’ve gotten off of my fat ass) over the last several days trying to recover the land around the spring that was trashed from flooding a storm brought last year. Here is a picture of the flood in progress

After it passed and the waters subsided I was left with this:

This pile of rubble is about 2 foot deep, 7 feet in width and 12 or so feet long. It sits exactly at the point where the spring enters the creek. The photo below is looking up the spring channel. The structure on the left of the photo is the stone benches and table we erected a few years back. The channel is was filled with rubble and silt that washed off of the hill (to the left) and down the creek during the storm.

Getting all of this crap out of the spring had to be done by hand as it wasn’t wide enough for the tractor (with bucket) to get into it.

So I parked the tractor with the bucket near where I was working and filled it, one shovel full at a time and hauled it areas nearby that were ‘trenched’ by the flooding waters.

So now, it looks much better. Still much to do in this area, but shoveling rock one shovel load at a time isn’t one of them.

Did I mention that I had help? Here (below) are the worker bees lending their talents to the task. The first is ‘Dixie’ and the second is ‘Rusty’

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