There Is A Backstory

Every so often I post a video created by this young lady in China. For me it is relaxing to watch and listen as different produce/products cycle through the year. You may have noticed their posting and thought less of them (oh well).

If you haven’t looked into what is actually going on with this child, your missing an amazing story. I’m not going to repeat the whole story, but the short notes (as I understand them) are:

–she ran away from an abusive home when she was 14.
–waited tables in a huge city
–move to her grandmothers to take care of her.

About the videos: Her objective early on was to show people who lived in cities how food was really grown and prepared. There are million upon millions of Chinese that have never lived outside of these overcrowded cities.

–Originally she filmed every shot.
–She set up the camera, performed the action needed and then moved on.
–She actually performed all of the work necessary to prepare, plant, grow, harvest, cook, and then serve what is shown.

She now has a photographer and an assistant as she is kind of busy: she has about 24 million (or so) followers.

When you think about it, this kid is a prepper. She’s missing the weapons and ammo, but there wouldn’t be a survival community in the world that would kick her from the train once the balloon goes up.

Comments? Whatcha Got?