I Can Understand

We’ve a couple of days left in what has been a disastrous year. The year 2020 will pass chronologically but ‘years’, much like the genetic matter in plants and animals, influence the generations that follow. All of the crap that happened in 2020 is now a part of the American DNA. BLM, Flatten the Curve–Keep Your Nasty Ass At Home, Stolen Elections, Hunter Biden’s escape from justice, Impeachment, Social Justice, Historical Erasures, Toppled Statutes, Defund Whomever, etc. are now an American experience.

What a basket of shit we’ve allowed ourselves to become! I can’t help but think that like an elastic band stretched too tightly our society might snap, and in doing so obliterate the ties that bind. For the socialists/anarchists/leftists who have dreamed and worked to overthrow America, the change you dream of and worked for is coming. And with it comes the fury of millions whose future you’ve placed at risk.

A little gene splicing seems in order. I’m not saying we should begin a 2nd Civil War, I’m just saying I can understand those who say we should.

As Chris Rock would say:

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