
Without disparaging those that have significant psychological challenges (God knows those folk fight with their issues daily), one just never knows when the crazy bug will jump up and bite some otherwise sane/stable person square in the ass.

Imagine all that Cheney has tossed away ’cause the never Trump bug got under her skin.

Then there is this mild commentary that can be seen over at The Gun Free Zone:

We are plowing headlong through Jimmy Carter’s stag-flation into Fury Road territory and the House Republican Conference chair is bitching about what the former President said on Twitter.

Every member of the GOP who wants to relitigate Trump’s mean Tweets while ignoring the Weimar Republican collapse of the US economy can get fucked, eat shit, die in a fire, and burn in hell.

These people do not care about us at all and should be run out of office on a rail covered in tar and feathers.

Hey, I’m just the messenger.

Comments? Whatcha Got?