There have been so many usurpation of our freedoms by so many tyrants (petty and profound) over the last 20 years that the collective ‘we’ can no longer claim to be the land of the free and brave. There are a few free/brave holdouts, but I submit that there are many hundreds of thousands that claim that crown that have no idea of what freedom is.
We have become conditioned to be more mouse than man.
I’ve long held that we’ve passed the tipping point as a nation and that our institutions have become so corrupt that there is no way to rebound. The actions of the petty wielders of power over the last couple of years highlights just how numb the nation has become to transgressions against their rights.
‘Leaders’ from the President down to the newest/lowest recently elected school-board official are drunk with power and position and the promise of personal enrichment. The balance of the nation trudges along aware of the graft but more concerned with matters closer to heart and hearth to push to forcefully against the ever growing, every crowding gaggle of tyrants.
What (assuming shit is as screwed up as I believe it to be) can be done?
1. Lead a good life 2. Encourage one another
3. Pass on what you can 4. Plan for the worst. Plan
Perhaps a little cryptic but here are a few related words that may guide your efforts when addressing #4:
From the words buried in the 21st saying in the Gospel of Thomas:: Arm yourselves with great strength lest the robbers find a way to come to you, for the difficulty which you expect will (surely) materialize. Let there be among you a man of understanding. When the grain ripened, he came quickly with his sickle in his hand and reaped it.
From the first paragraph of Albert Pikes Morals and Dogma: FORCE, unregulated or ill-regulated, is not only wasted in the void, like that of gunpowder burned in the open air, and steam unconfined by science; but, striking in the dark, and its blows meeting only the air, they recoil and bruise itself. It is destruction and ruin. It is the volcano, the earthquake, the cyclone;–not growth and progress. It is Polyphemus blinded, striking at random, and falling headlong among the sharp rocks by the impetus of his own blows.
Meanwhile in today’s news::