How screwed are we? Here are a couple of quick ‘news’ articles I’ve grabbed from the inter-tubes this morning. If there is an overarching lesson to be learned it is this: The ‘government’ and the ‘free press’ have colluded. The collusion makes the deception both more complete and, given the multiple channels of communication used, more ‘authoritative’.
First up: Don’t believe your lying eyes, gas prices aren’t really that high.
Second: Trust the Science (and the Scientists)?
Notice that in the two following graphics the 1981-2010 chart uses soft cool colors while the 1991 to 2020 chart uses harsh red tones and a lush green that now permeates the upper portion of the nation.

A close inspection, and a careful reading of the words that accompany the charts show that absolutely nothing has changed across the two time periods except the colors used in the graphic. Not one (1) single area in the country has had the date of it’s average last frost changed and yet NOAA says: “Climate change is making the end of winter more dangerous” .
And then there is this:
The title of the article is kinda/sorta deceptive as what they are really promoting is the fourth shot (vice 2nd booster).

What’s really damning are the words within the article itself. They are, in part,:
However, multiple issues complicate the plan as the administration has to calculate when the next COVID-19 wave could hit the U.S., sources told the Times. The administration will want to get the second booster to the elderly before another wave hits, but not too far before that protection could wane.
WTF? They’ve got to pull out a crystal ball and guess at when to give the shot because it doesn’t last? Big pharma really learned their lesson with Polio didn’t they. They are not about to cure this MF as long as they can push of shots to the entire population of the world every six months for eternity.
Sometimes the press screws up and gives subtle indications that they are gaslighting the population. Here are the last few words of the article:
Other complications include how to explain the plan to the public and how long the second booster’s protection will remain strong, the Times noted.
In other words the complication is in how to message the deception. If there were no messaging problem, there would be no ‘complication’.
One final note on this article (as I’ve beaten this drum a little longer than was needed). I copied this article from Yahoo News. If you look just to the right of the graphic we find that is categorized as ‘Politics’ (not health?) and the source was ‘The Hill‘. Well, The Hill may have written the article, but the article is actually a report on a story published in the ‘Times’.