If ever there were a mom that needed baby formula, it’s our vibrant and out of the closet Secretary of Transportation.
His response to the crisis that moms are facing with empty formula shelves? “The government does not make baby formula.”

This entire administration is a startling array of idiots and freaks. Damn, we are in a dangerous place as a nation right now
Well, I gotta say he’s 100% right about that. Gommermint not making baby formula. Nowhere in the Constitution can I find where gommermint has anything to do with production of anything other than controlling monopolies. And I’m a bit unsure they even legally have control of that aspect of production. But what they do have control over is allowing the production of baby formula to a large extent to be moved to other countries so their preferred manufacturers can benefit from lower wages. The preferred mfg’s. of course being the ones donating to their election campaigns and their lobbyists. To say nothing about hoarding truckloads of the stuff & sending it to the border for the exclusive use of those invading this country. We live in an increasingly upside down world.