Disaster Averted

Not the ‘climate change’ disaster, that’s still on. The averted disaster was the premature end to the UN generated climate change Ponzi Scheme. For a short while it looked like the announcement of a successful nuclear fusion demonstration would slam the breaks on that money generating power grab. Here (below) is the corner of the rapidly wetted blanket that’s being thrown on that little glimmer of hope/sanity.

The latest: Despite the scientists conducting the experiment stating that there was a 20 percent net gain in energy the climate cartel is saying that it actually used 100 times as much energy as it produced. I’m no math pro, but these two sets of numbers don’t do much to reinforce my faith in the scientific community.

Just to make sure you stay the course on funding the madness, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change continues to say the world must cut greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030 if it is to avoid warming to the point that irreversible and catastrophic climate change effects, such as massive glacier collapse, are virtually guaranteed.

Damn, this sounds serious. I’ve got some late breaking new on this front that I think the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change might want to be aware of: cutting emissions in half by 2030 ain’t gonna hap’n. And because it ain’t gonna hap’n and these clowns ain’t gonna go quietly into the night (as long as there is money to be made), I’ve got to put up with the endless tales of doom and gloom for the rest of my natural life.

Shit, this is worse than having the crabs.

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