I’m pretty sure that anyone who stumbles across my small corner of the interwebs knows that I’m quick to point out when someone, normally a liberal, is being played. By ‘being played’ I mean that the article is tickling an itch it’s audience has already developed by taking a shot at the fools on the ‘other side’ (R if your a D, D if an R, D and R if your a I). When the purpose of an article is to incite more than it is to inform, when you agree with something/some one without thinking then there is a good chance someone somewhere is playing you a tune.
Think it can’t happen to you? Consider this from Breitbart

I don’t like Austin. I’m not going to run down all of the reasons why but I will suggest that if having ‘no respect for Biden’ means you should be fired, then half of the country would be looking for work right now. Having ‘no respect for Biden’ rehabilitates Austin’s image, at least in my eyes, somewhat.
I really don’t like being played.