All of the ice and snow has converted to liquid and started it’s long journey to the sea. Last week we got down to -6 and it stayed at or below freezing from Sunday the 14th until the afternoon of Monday the 21st. Just when we cleared that hurdle another is being thrown in our path: flooding.

Wifey was able to get out to her hairdresser who lives/works about 5 miles away; I drove the route in advance in my Jeep to make sure all of the residual ice was cleared from the road and that she’d be OK. Between the time she left at 9:30 and the time I left to make sure she could get back in (noonish) enough rain had fallen to flood the low areas along the route. The most significant was along my drive. Here is what my valley looks like in ‘normal’ times:

Now here is what it looks like when the wicked witch of the west frowns over my piece of paradise. Looking down at the valley during a heavy rain.

My drive that crosses a ‘feeder’ (or wet weather stream) that feeds the creek.

Now here is a photo looking east along the ‘feeder’. Notice how much higher the wall of the trench look in the distance than they do near the road. As the water washes down it flows out of the banks and spreads across the terrain from near where base of the tree that is on the left of the photo near the road.. It also flows out of its banks past the tree on the right of the photo. In short, it flows broadly and swiftly through this area.

So after weathering the ice and snow of last week the rain and floods are thrown my way this week. I guess flying monkey are next. All of this for a boy that spent his formative years in an environment that looks like this: