Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving group of folk.
Ms Karine Grabapussy’s pained face during her response is priceless. Most telling is that even the paid propagandist couldn’t even take a try at explaining the unexplainable.
Knicky had a rough night in Nevada; loosing by more than 32 points to ‘None of the Above’. I haven’t found Mr. Above’s victory speech nor is there a concession speech splattered across cyberspace by the former ambassador. There must be a tremendous financial upside compelling her forge on well past the use by date. Who is she working for?

Time to pass the hat for poor Taylor Swift. Having been nominated for 54 Grammy’s and bringing home no less than 14, America’s sweetheart has landed on skid row and is forced to sell one of her two private jets. Pass the hat around folks.

Not that I particularly care about your health (my own being another matter altogether), but I was kinda/sorta intrigued by the company that issued a nation wide recall on dairy products: Rizo Lopez. They are recalling 61 products including cheese, yogurt, and sour cream (crema) sold under 13 brand names. The real news here, for us in the general population, is we are operating under the false perception that we are choosing from an array of alternatives in the market place when what we really have are choices in the packaging.

Breitbart says: “26 Americans have been stricken with the virus, with another 23 hospitalized in 11 states.” Which means, if their reporting is correct, that 49 Americans have been stricken. But, alas their reporting is not correct: The CDC says that a total of 26 have been effected and 23 of them have been hospitalized.
While it’s a damn shame that we have to fact check everything we see, hear, or read, the future may bring changes that will remove that ‘burden’ from our tool kit.

From Microsoft: Microsoft is launching several collaborations with news organizations to adopt generative AI. In a year where billions of people will vote in democratic elections worldwide, journalism is critical to creating healthy information ecosystems, and it is our mission, working with the industry, to ensure that newsrooms can innovate to serve this year and in the future.
The good news is that Microsoft is teaming with the a firm called Semafor to get this effort off of the ground. Semafor is a firm founded by notorious former Buzzfeed editors Ben Smith and Justin Smith. The hits keep on coming.