The DOJ released the Special Councils report on Old Joe’s mishandling of classified information. Accompanying the release was the explanation (misdirection by the way) of why he wouldn’t be charged: the jury would be sympathetic to an aged old man loosing his memory. In fact, the reason he won’t be charged is he is not fit to stand trial.

What is telling is that the DOJ said the silent part out loud: He is unfit for office. That is damning not only to the President, but also speaks volumes about the group of weasels that prop up this walking sock puppet. If you have/had any doubts about the existence of The Deep State consider the depth and breadth of the deception visited upon the citizens of our nation. OBTW, there is a broad swath of brainiacs that still deny there are little men behind the green curtain pulling the levers. They will not easily abandon the belief that you and I are conspiracy theorists and that all remains well in the city along the Potomac .
If an investigator picked up on his incompetence in a simple interview, surely those with a seat at the table knew his elevator had quit functioning sometime in the distant past. Here then is an indicator of just how hosed the nation is: not one of the thousands of folk that knew of his incompetence said a fuqen word. Not a peep. Was this because they lacked ‘free choice’? Nope. It was because they would sacrifice the country (indeed the future of the free world) in order to save their own jobs and the perks that flow therefrom.
That this guy is incompetent is not news, that little secret has been in the public domain from the time he started staying in his basement to run for public office. What is news is that a series of ‘someones’ decided that now is the time to deep six his administration.
I don’t blame Biden, he is probably the only person within the halls of Whitehouse and the vast administration that didn’t know he was well beyond his use-by date. I blame all those around him that would do whatever it took, including destroying the nation in order to satisfy their need to self actualize in the Democratic party.
New news would be an investigation into who knew this guy was this far gone and when they knew it. Those heads need to roll.