I don’t know what folk in America thought prior to the US being drawn into the Second World War. Perhaps all of the turmoil and chaos was thought to be another nation’s problem. Perhaps Americans back then were thinking that it’s nice to have allies in the world as long as those ‘allies’ don’t place us in tough positions. Screw Europe and Russia and China, they would have to tackle their problems on their own.

That sound exactly like what we are telling our allies around the world right now. If you are an Israeli sitting in Israel right now you’ve become acutely aware of just how fickle an ally America can be. I would suppose that if you’re an Israeli not sitting in Israel then the issue becomes a little more abstract.
From the UN to the battlefields our words and our deeds show that we are too afraid of our own shadow to be of much use to them. And so the Jewish homeland looks to be the latest (but certainly not the last) sacrifice to be laid before the alter of that progressive mantra: ‘peace through capitulation’.

God forbid our enemies should fear us once again. We can’t go back to the days when evil was kept in check by hard men engaged in a just cause as ‘hard men’ have fallen from favor and the only ‘just cause’ remaining in America is the destruction of our institutions.
Elections indeed have consequences and the fundamental change brought about by the absolute fiasco of 2020 may have changed the course of mankind for all time.
The future is beginning to look mighty spicy.