Finally | Some Backbone is Shown

It looks as if a good number of Jewish folk have figured out that ‘passive resistance’ is a tactic that ends with long trains and ovens. A sorely learned lesson that goes along with the realization that if you give your enemies enough rope they’ll hang you with it.

BTW, another lesson to be learned is that those that hate you will do all that they can to paint you in the worst possible light: the ‘Pro-Israel Protestors’ are tearing down flags and ripping apart the encampment because they want ‘to fight people’.

Two important observations: As an ‘Investigative Journalist’ Joe Scott sucks (as the last sentence in the screed above demonstrates) and his bias is as apparent as the red ass on a baboon.

Good to see that our brothers of the Jewish faith have, at least in the short term, managed to demonstrate a desire for self preservation (grown a set of balls).

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