The Wisdom In Job

I’ve been in one of ‘those’ moods for several weeks now; teetering between “someone needs to burn this whole thing down” and “fuckit, you broke it now it’s your problem”. 

I am, of course, engaged in careful reflection of the state of our nation given the two absolute idiots we have running for President. I don’t blame them, they’re just simpletons caught up in the times. I blame the character of the nation.

My conclusion (burn or abandon)?  It has to be the latter because the former won’t fix shit.  Besides, any Phoenix rising from these ashes would not be a kind and gentle beast.

The second course of action (actually inaction), the broke/fix it path, will eventually lead to the same outcome of the ‘burn it down’ alternative except someone else does the burning. 

Apparently, we are incapable of self-determination, and because we don’t live in a vacuum, there are a surprising number of ugly nations lined up with matches in hand.   They have been a patient lot so far.

America is a one and done phenomena.  The confluence of sentiment and opportunity that allowed men of great character to crank up a new nation will likely never again occur.  No force on earth could reconstitute that recipe and even if they could there are no avatars of the type ‘founder’ waiting to be invoked.  Men of means willing to pledge to each other their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor have been replaced with the most ignoble among us. 

So there we have it; the indispensable nation is both dispensable and disposable.  There are a shitload of nefarious folk leveraging the vast wealth of many nations against the last redoubt of liberty even though that ‘liberty’ hasn’t existed here in a hundred years.  We are now but an empty shell, the riches within have been repeatedly drained by a continuing train of power-hungry vermin. 

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