
On June 6th it will have been 80 years since the landings of D Day In 1944. The undertaking was enormous and the number of lives lost in the liberation of Europe was staggering.

Operation Market Garden was the largest military operation mankind has ever conceived. On the side of the Allies three nations with completely different geopolitical views: Russia, the US and England somehow bridged their differences and nursed a very difficult alliance to challenge and then collapse the tyranny that gripped the world.

Millions of families across our nation had family that traveled to war in those foreign lands. Both of my uncles on my fathers side fought in that war. They left the family home in Ozark, Mo., fought in a world war and, upon returning, both married patriotic women they found along train stops as they went to war. One became a milk delivery driver in Detroit and the other delivered ice and coal. An uncle on my mothers side left his home in Ottumwa Iowa and gave his life on some distant and obscure battlefield.

As you enjoy this great Memorial Day weekend, take time to lift a glass to those that gave that last greatest measure of devotion and count the blessings in your life that came at such a dear cost.

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