Omar/Bush Need a Do-Over (But not Veronica)

Sounds about right. There are wackos, bums and thieves on both sides of the aisle. Some are second and third generation professional politicians that have spent decades in the marble halls dedicated to the memories of the previous generation of thieves. Others are new at the game.

The difference between a McConnell and a Omar (or a Bush for that matter) is one has mastered the application of power and wealth and the other is a novice. As you can tell, I don’t have strong feelings on the subject one way or the other.

Speaking of ‘Do-Overs’, you know who doesn’t need one? The male runner named Veronica Garcia. This little bitch, who identifies as a female, drug his dick around the 400 meter course at the State Championship and beat the nearest real girl by more than a second.

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