Dirt Under my Nails

All of the bad weather has moved out of my little corner of the world and I was able to apply some machinery to cleaning up some of the mess and overdue mowing/trimming. All of my trees stayed in place but a large Cherry Tree fell across the road just east of me on Sunday and a kind soul, knowing it couldn’t be cleared ‘in place’ attached a chain or rope to the trunk and dragged to the nearest place it could be chopped and cleared from the road way. You guessed it, it ended up along the side of the road on my property. I spent a good part of the day yesterday cutting it down and loaded it on my trailer (three loads actually) to a burn pile of been cultivating.

Today I was able to tackle the mowing and trimming along the front edge of the place. It’s just under 1,500 feet along that portion.

Here’s the before (at the gate):

And the after:

There is nothing quite as satisfying as working with good tools on a lawn, fence line, or in the woods.

Now, I’m off to Huntsville AL to satisfy two needs: Kimchi making’s and beef. It’s worth the 100 mile round trip for a couple of reasons: first, the only place where good fresh Napa cabbage, Korean radish, and Chinese chives can be found nearby (if you consider 50 miles nearby) is at the ‘International Market’ in Huntsville. Wallyworld sells some pretty bad looking Napa cabbage for about 4 bucks a pound while the place in Hunstville has fresh (fresher) cabbage at 1.29 a pound.

The second reason is I want to make some beef jerky and I want to can up some beef stew. The meat I need can be had at the military commissary for 3 or 4 dollars a pound cheaper and is of a better quality than Walmart. It’s 5 or 6 dollars a pound cheaper than Publics. The kids and grandkids love the jerky and can shove away an amazing amount in short order. I’ve got some mid-heat peppers in the garden that may find their way into the flavorings I put on the jerky. We’ll see.

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