Is it Me?

Am I all confused about how things work or is the Sec Def and the media pulling my chain?

First, I hadn’t thought war with China was either imminent or unavoidable. I thought they took a look at the US, looked at their watch, and then shrugged knowingly; they are willing to wait while we tear it all down ourselves. BUT now that he has said it, I can’t think of anyone less intellectually trustworthy to receive that message from. Why did he feel the need to share that message with us, and why now?

Now, the real scary part is in small type on the graphic above; The Sec Def doesn’t inform ‘top security officials’, they inform him. If what the article says is true then where is the Sec Def getting his information from? China?

Who is feeding this line of shit to the Associated Press, and who in there is still naive enough to slurp this stuff up?

Comments? Whatcha Got?