Here are three more for today’s edition of the best of bad AI and/or Photoshop. All have errors that can only be created by unsupervised electrons or their operators. Can you spot them? Answers posted in the comments. Hint: it’s still not the tits.
A bonus for the faithful reader: Farm Girl:
One: The plant in the upper left of the picture is growing out of the wall art.
Two: There is a third hand growing out of the left side of the chair.
Three: We know that she has at least one left hand; it’s visible on the right where her right hand should be.
Farm Girl: It’s no wonder she’s listing to port.
Are there only three legs on the chair in #1?
I zoomed in pretty far and it looks to me like there are 4. Sometimes there are things that I miss that others have thought were obvious, but this doesn’t look like one of those times.