Zen via Chicken Stew

I spent a little time cooking and canning yesterday. There was a lot of cutting involved and so the several prep steps came embedded with a zen like pleasure that only repetition with a sharp implement brings. A firm affection for each of my fingers and respect for freshly stoned knives kept me from wandering to far from the present (and reality) but it was a thoroughly enjoyable set of tasks .

The resulting Chicken Stew was the best I’ve ever had. The recipe I used came from a nameless blogger in the mid-west. If you’re into canning/preserving then you’ll want to visit. Her little corner is a great resource and she has a command of the language that has avoided me all my many years.

I made two 6 pint runs of this and then put up an additional 4 pints of chicken breasts from the remaining chicken. The recipe is here.

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