We’ve got storms moving in on our place here is southern middle Tennessee. We desperately need the rain and, along with the wind and thunder, it’s great to experience the power of nature from the comfort of an armchair.

Two years ago I would not have appreciated these storms as much as I do now. When you’re only source of TV, phone, and internet was thru overpriced satellite service (actually two separate satellite dishes ) heavy rain meant absolute incommunicado. Getting rid of the Dish Network and Hughes Net parasites is a great feel.

We now have fiber that we trenched it in some 2500 feet from the road. When coupled with a ghee-whiz fast whole house modem we managed to create enough bandwidth to meet all of our needs.

We have a couple of high def TV’s running, cell phones locked in (cause wifey burns up the Facebook pages) a house phone (tied through a converter to the modem), and you can see in the upper graphic I’ve got 9 tabs opened in my Firefox browser.
Unseen is MS Office’s Outlook email application downloading all of the spam the world pushes my way. Not one iota of delay with all of this running during this storm.
Life be good when electrons flow along with the rain.