By What Measure?

Is there some standard where-by a person can judge himself, quasi-officially judge, to be a cynic? What can I hold myself up against to determine if I’ve fallen from that high station of impartial observer to critical crackpot?

I’ve taken a quick look at the headlines this morning and can’t help but think that there is a vast conspiracy afoot to further subjugate populations world wide. All part of that new Global Community, One World Government thingy.

Now, everyone knows things suck in Venezuela. Folks have been under the thumb of a tyrant there for a good long while. Ever wonder why no other government has done anything of consequence about it? I have and the conclusion I’ve arrived at is that they like Venezuela just the way it is. As long as they are in the news and setting new standard lows for the mistreatment of their citizens no one looks at any of the other many acts of repression going on around the globe.

An example of this is from Germany. They’ve had a manhunt going on for a 15 year old not for the attack, but for failing to report the crime! Damn, there was a shitload of folk stabbed with three of them succumbing to their injuries and the focus is on a kid that didn’t report it? Seems to me that the authorities knew it happened and the voice of this child would have been redundant. But that is not the case, because the end goal of government is control of the population and not necessarily the safety of the population.

In other news, the news folk are getting their shits and giggles by ridiculing/embarrassing the Tyrant of The East. Folks, I’m telling you that no good will come from continually poking sticks in this guys eyes. The best way to ensure stockpile reliability and simultaneously reduce that stockpile is to expend a few nuclear weapons to rid yourself of the newest burr under the saddle.

In France ‘they’ arrested the CEO of social media app Telegram and have charged him with all manner of dastardly deeds.

Durov—a 39-year-old billionaire of Russian origin—founded the social media platform Vkontakte in 2006 and it became known as Russia’s version of Facebook.  

In 2013 Durov founded Telegram, a messaging platform similar to WhatsApp, later saying he decided to create Telegram because “it doesn’t matter how many messaging apps are out there if all of them suck,” noting that for him WhatsApp “suck(ed) most.

Durov told CNN in 2016 after the app was used to plan a terrorist attack in Paris that “you cannot make it safe against criminals and open for governments … It’s either secure or not secure.”   Telegram’s headquarters are in Dubai where Durov says:  “it’s the best place for a neutral platform like ours to be in if we want to make sure we can defend our users’ privacy and freedom of speech.”

All of this doesn’t sit well with the dictatorial in high places which promptly placed his ass beneath the prison while they figure out the best way to either crack open the apps security features or crush him into submission.

So I’m back to my original rhetorical, how does one measure cynicism? For that matter how can one tell whether he’s being a cynic or if his disdain is a rational response to tyranny?

Am I to be taken to the couch for further assessment or carried on the shoulders of men and lauded for foreseeing the tyrannical overreach?

Comments? Whatcha Got?