Along Comes Francine

We’ve been well into a dry spell for the last 3 months or so: it’s rained twice. About two months ago it rained daily for 4 days. A week ago we had one of those powerful afternoon summer thunderstorms that bring both beauty and fright into our lives. BTW, it’s not really frightening unless there is some probability that you’ll lose your house or life as the storm plows through.

We’ve had so little rain that almost the entire state of Tennessee is thirsty. Here is a drought map for the state. I’m located in the extreme south-central portion of the state.

Here (on the left ) is what NOAA is forecasting for rainfall accompanying Francine. These guys are pretty much as trustworthy as a Biden biographer. I guess that once things become a certainty they’ll weigh in.

NOAA is sposta be the go-to guys for all things weather/climate related, but with the exception of being able to tell you that it’s raining when it’s raining, they suck. Here are their experts assessments from a little more than three months ago:

Well, maybe you shouldn’t., but the purpose of this post (other than my sad lament over the drought and despair in Southern-Middle Tennessee) is to point out how slimy and deceitful the organs of our government have become.

We were told that Climate Change was producing a world where hurricanes would become more frequent and much stronger. That was what they forecast for this year (see the blue text above). When that not only didn’t happen, but is shaping up to be it the quietest in three generations (65-79: Gen X, 80-00: Gen Y, 01-this morning: Gen Z), the cause must have been Climate Change as well.

It’s the first time in nearly 60 years that no new named storms formed for almost the entire month leading to the peak period of Atlantic hurricanes: from Ernesto to Francine. What you are expected to believe (required to believe if you’re progressive) is that Climate Change is causing sandstorm on the African continent to pull low pressure systems north.

If nothing else these guys are inventive ’cause it’s got to be damn hard to keep the climate scam going in the face of what has always been notoriously unpredictable: the weather.

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