Freeing Up a Little Space

These are the same folk that Biden decided to import into the US under a Temporary Protected Status (TPS) order. One could then reasonably expect that barnyard chickens (in addition to cats and dog being disappeared, ducks and geese magically disappearing from the public parks) will be in high demand in urban areas across America as the voodoo priests ply their craft.

Here is what our good friends in government say:

After consultation with interagency partners, Secretary Mayorkas determined on June 3, 2024, that an 18-month extension and redesignation of Haiti for TPS is warranted because conditions that support Haiti’s designation are ongoing and that doing so was not contrary to the national interest of the United States. Several regions in Haiti continue to face violence or insecurity, and many have limited access to safety, health care, food, and water. Haiti is particularly prone to flooding and mudslides, and often experiences significant damage due to storms, flooding, and earthquakes. These overlapping humanitarian challenges have resulted in ongoing urgent humanitarian needs.

Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics: More than you ever wanted to know about the demographics of our guest from Haiti are squatting at the ‘Migration Policy Institute’ and include:

Size of Immigrant Population over Time — Distribution by U.S. State and Key Cities– English Proficiency–Age, Education, and Employment–Income and Poverty–Immigration Pathways and Naturalization–Unauthorized Immigrant Population–Health Coverage–Diaspora–Top Global Destinations–Remittances

I’m pretty sure the roughly 1 million Haitians that have bellied up to the US teats aren’t likely to head back to the island paradise of their birth. I’m also willing to bet that the article that above about the voodoo led forced obsolescence of the 60 plus crowd is actually a US run influence operation to keep Trump from sending folk back to Haiti. After all, they now have a credible (at least the deep state press would have us think this is credible) death threat that preempts their repatriation.

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