I’ve finally gotten around to dropping and splitting the Maple Tree that had been dropping limbs. It turned out to be a three day task of which two of have been successfully completed. ‘Success’ being measured as returning to the house each day with all appendages attached in the same condition and location they were previously parked. A chainsaw can be a cruel mistress.

My 71 year old back is bitching like a teenager prom queen with sand in her pussy, so it will be another day before it’s loaded up and moved to the woodlot for stacking.
Maple burns hot and fast and feeding the fireplace and poking at the embers every 15 minutes, while spiritually satisfying (damn near zen-like), is better experienced at a greater interval, so I split this a little larger than I have in the past. When seasoned (it’ll be a least a year before it can be used) I’ll get a longer burn time than I’m currently experiencing.
Cutting and stacking wood is an exercise in optimism.