A Measured Response

I’m going to respond but before I do I’m going to make a confession (of sorts) about my political ideology:  I believe the vast majority of our citizenry has been brainwashed to believe that they (R or D) are on the correct side of history and the other side (D or R) are either ignorant or villains (or both).  I’ll not address the I’s, because they either don’t care or they recognize the ‘scam’ that is being run by both political parties and want no part of it.  I wanted to put this up front because some folk subscribe to the notion that if you’re conservative then you must think the same as all conservatives do on all issues: no free thought allowed. Feel free to read into that last sentence anyway you choose.

Let me also say that I hold no hope in changing anyone’s position on this topic and what I’ve written below is not designed to do that but rather explain how I got to where I am on the topic.  It’s a little more meat to hang on the 4 bottom line bones I offered in the original post.

Fredrick’s abbreviated comments are followed by my response in blue.  By the way, I want to thank Fredrick for taking the time to share his thoughts.

“I was surprised the other day when you stated that if the federal government allowed the illegals to cross the border that they are not illegal.  If we have a leader and a ruling party fairly elected representing it’s citizens and doing it’s job then your statement could be true.”

If you choose to ignore that our current government is willfully and purposely ignoring existing laws, that’s on you.

The citizens of this country did not invite all these people anymore than we asked for criminals and diseases to pour across the borders.

I have never opposed legal immigration.  The melting pot is a grand ideal , but they have to melt !  I remember there were measures to insure that they melt.  Legal immigrants had to have a sponsor.  The sponsor was to see to it that an immigrant would learn to read and write English, that they would find employment and not be a burden on American taxpayers, border authorities were charged with determining whether the immigrants carried diseases and quarantine measures could be enforced.

Even when the great masses of immigrants poured into Ellis Island as a result of the second world war most were quarantined until it was determined they presented no health threat.  Many were turned away.

Then as I remember about 1965 liberal democrat Ted Kennedy managed to change it all.  We have gone from melting pot to a pot boiling over.

Anymore a person that objects to open borders is quickly labeled a racist.  Once condemned a racist they are determined to have no legitimate say in matters and are silenced through political correctness. 

Countries are determined and defined by their borders.  If we do not enforce our border will we even have a nation ? 

I suppose that based on much of what you post that Christianity is a very strong influence in your life and that explains why you say you can not stand by and watch people starve. That is most admirable. I believe most people will help and feed the needy if they can.  This world has many starving people. Always has, always will. I do not believe we can take them all in.

Do you really believe that a person that is really starving can walk here all the way from central America ?

While you dream about hitting the lottery to obtain a dream house in an exotic location, take notice that recent stories indicate that squatters may find your dream before you can get there.