That’s Bold, Your Black Face Unneeded !

Well folks it looks as if the race baiters have grown so frustrated at conservatives because they refuse to give a damn about the lefts constant whining over the imagined wrongs of the white man in general, and the Trumpster in particular, that they have turned their focus on there own. They know within the virtue signalling left their screeches have an audience. I’m not sure that that audience will long have patience for the obvious damage they are doing to their own patrons. Nancy may have to make this problem go away quickly or risk a full collapse of the party . I’ve snatched the narrative below from Breitbart who lifted some of the reporting from the Washington Post. (We who cut and paste also serve ! )

Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), a member of the “Squad” that Democrats claim was the target of a racist attack by Trump on Sunday, told left-wing bloggers Sunday afternoon: “We don’t need any more black faces that don’t want to be a black voice.”

Pressley is one of the four left-wing Democrats disparaged out last week by Nancy Pelosi as the “Squad.” The most prominent member, Ocasio-Cortez, called Pelosi’s attack racist. That, in turn, drew criticism from the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC).  In response, Pressley appeared to blast the members of the CBC according to the Washington Post, saying:

An all-out racially charged fight within the House Democratic Caucus escalated Saturday when an African American freshman lawmaker said the party doesn’t need “any more black faces that don’t want to be a black voice.” Pressley made those comments during a speech at the liberal Netroots Nation conference where she, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib appeared after a week-long clash with Nancy Pelosi and her allies.

“This is the time to shake that table. . . . We don’t need any more brown faces that don’t want to be a brown voice,” Pressley said, seemingly taking a stab at the Congressional Black Caucus.  “We don’t need any more black faces that don’t want to be a black voice.”

What an Amazing Country

The US is so great and capitalism is so strong a system that they allow an absolute idiot, who has never held a real job, become a multi-millionaire, brand his name, obtain 3 houses and have an army of mindless nitwits support him to rule the country not once, but twice…..all while advocating for socialism!

Mystery and Intrigue

There is much still unknown about the Mueller probe that may come out in the coming weeks. My best guess is that the delay in his appearance before the house committees is due to the dem’s trying to craft a set of rules that will limit testimony to discussion on only what his subordinates thought or found. They really would like a crack at running through his entire staff until they find someone that testifies that Orange Man bad.

The reason they want to limit it to that is they really don’t want Mueller to talk to how he could have an investigation into Russian involvement in the election and not address the Hillary’s computer or WikiLeaks. They certainly don’t want to talk about when the conclusion was reached that there was no illegal involvement between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. If Mueller admits this occurred early on then it exposes the fact that they spent almost 2 years trying to get someone in his administration to walk into a process trap.

These are not good folk. They are the same swamp creatures that have all but destroyed our country.

AOC Manipulation

The NY Times published a great article on AOC and how she manipulates the environment to set herself up as a victim. I snatched the below from their pages. Full article here.

It’s pretty impressive of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, playing the victim card in a fight she started.

The flap arises from the recent House passage of the Senate’s emergency border-funding bill, without voting on lefty-favored amendments. AOC and three other radical freshmen women (Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley) voted against it — and AOC’s office started smearing the moderates who’d demanded action.

Specifically, AOC Chief of Staff Saikat Chakrabarti (in a since-deleted tweet) accused such Democrats of propping up a system that “fuels a racist ideology.”

That prompted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to hold a closed-door conference meeting where she warned, “You got a complaint? You come talk to me about it. But do not tweet about our members and expect us to think that that is OK.”

She also spoke to The New York Times’ Maureen Dowd, noting of AOC & Co.: “All of these people have their public whatever and their Twitter world . . . But they didn’t have any following. They’re four people, and that’s how many votes they got.”

Whereupon AOC whined to The Washington Post about Pelosi’s “explicit singling out of new elected women of color.”

Hello? The speaker was “singling out” the four members who were playing this specific game, and waxing indignant that other Democrats listen to their own constituents.

Around the Farm and In the Garden

I was able to get out to the garden between rain events today and pulled in baskets (plural) of tomatoes (Bonny Best, Besser Cherry and Katinka Cherry), If you have a garden I highly recommend the Besser cherry tomato for next year. They are a larger cherry tomato, has a great taste, and it’s extremely prolific.

The jalapenos are going strong and I harvested about 100 or so. Again, there are 2 or 3 times more smaller peppers left on the plants than the large ones I harvested. All four plants are still blooming so I know I’ve got at least 4 weeks of good harvest left on them. Last year they made it until the first frost.

Brought in the first of the banana peppers of the season and the first of the slicing cucumbers (not pickling cucumbers) also found 8 large bell peppers hiding among the dense foliage of those plants. My daughter and grand daughters were over and we sliced up the cuc’s, banana peppers, and washed off some cherry tomatoes as finger food (using ranch dressing for a dip)

I missed plucking pickling cucumbers and the straight neck squash yesterday so had to trash much of the fruit they had produced. Both are going like gangbusters so will be harvesting again tomorrow (rain or shine).

My Roma tomatoes are just now starting to ripen. I’ve go 20 plants in and each are absolutely loaded with fruit so will be cranking up the canner in about a week to make salsa, tomato sauce, and spaghetti sauces. Cayenne peppers are coming along fine and it will be 2 weeks or so before the first of the fruit are ready to pick and dehydrate.

I should have harvested more basil but completely forgot about it until I went for a snack a short while ago and realized I had used my last jar of pesto. I’m a pesto junky now and so need to get the basil plucked to crank up a few more jars. When the rains end I’ll be harvesting some of the other herbs I’ve put in and getting those put up: Thyme, rosemary, sage, oregano, and parsley. I’ll let the dill go to seed on whatever plants I don’t pull to use for pickling.

Habanero (or however you spell them) are flowering and so a couple of weeks from now they will be ready. What a deceitfully small plant and innocent looking fruit for something that kicks so hard. Best use? Ceviche ! I got hooked on this treat while in Panama and love it. If Wednesday works out the way it’s forecast to, maybe I can use bass to make up a batch.

Y’all enjoy the rest of your weekend and remember, Saturday is only 5 working days away!

Nice Try Fella’s

There was a time in my life where part of my job was briefing leaders on the performance of weapon systems by using statistical information. I made the mistake (one time) of demonstrating the data the way it’s done below.

Why it might be technically correct (not likely) when you demonstrate the difference by amplifying the upper portion of two columns it makes it appear that the difference between the two columns is actually much larger than it actually is.

We don’t win the war against liberalism by deluding ourselves into thinking we are smarter or that they are stupid.

Horizontal Slewing

There’s an interesting series by Jean Michel at Eye of Photography that he titles ‘Directional Fuzziness ‘ Worth a peek if you’re into post processing.

Personally I think that he could have done a better job in framing the subject, as it seems that he always placed it in the center (or near center) of the frame.

Cuomo and The Disappeared Video

I’ve seen the video that Patrick notes in the article below. I tried to capture it to share on this site, but it was ‘locked ‘ on CNN’s site. An hour later it had completely disappeared. Cuomo did everything he could in the video to discourage folk from looking at who is involved. He was almost begging. His rationale? The real crime was not in what the pedo’s are doing, but rather that the DA is/was corrupt.

As for me, I’d burn them all.