AOC Needs a History Lesson

When Occasional Cortex has her little ‘holier than thou’ rants and babbles on about Roosevelt and Reagan (all she can say is that they were racists), she shows much of what is wrong with our country today.  The emerging generations have no appreciation, no knowledge of those that walked these paths before them.  Of the brave young men that died at Guadalcanal, or those dying in the Ardennes Forest from cannon shot and a winter so cold the blood literally froze in their veins.  No knowledge of, no recollection of,  no thought to the utter horrors her ancestors, and the ancestors of millions of Americans faced under communism.  The safe haven has always been America.  So it’s a very ignorant and terrible mind that would seek to push our grand country toward global communism.  She is both ignorant and stupid and should have no place in the public square.

I would hope that she be forced to spend a little time in Venezuela. She could sell her hair, or perhaps her body, to scrounge enough greenbacks to buy stale bread. Or wait for hours in a line just to come away with a few drops of water as those in the picture below are doing.

Read, Digest, Repeat

Whatever could have influenced these bastards?

From what we now know, a small cabal of high-level officials in the Department of Justice, the FBI and the national intelligence services were so moved by their personal loathing for Donald Trump that they worked together and with the Hillary Clinton campaign to create a story about Russian influence. They painted a patina of truth on a pack of lies and sold it to a secret court to obtain secret warrants to spy on the presidential candidate of one of this country’s largest political parties, and then leveraged half-truths, braggadocio, humor and entirely justified personnel actions into a two-year carnival of official thuggery and wild accusation unseen since 1692 Salem, Massachusetts.

Read the above again. Let it sink in.

Snatched from the pages of the News Virginian. Full story here.


Whenever the news of the day begins to drag me down I remember that it’s not news, it’s the media’s attempt to manipulate me into giving up. So, when ever I feel this way I glance back at things like this. As late as 10 p.m. on 11/7/16 we were still being fed the manipulator’s drivel.

The Promised Land

Those that would desire a socialist ‘paradise’ (bless their little pointed heads) would do well to closely examine Venezuela. The photo’s and news reports that are now beginning to flow out of that wet-dream are both telling and pitiful. If you look closely at the photo below you’ll see that the ‘trash’ that is lying in the gutters is actually currency. They are in that place where there is no food, water, electricity, fuel, medicine means of exchange, or hope. Let’s not let similarly inclined idiot work this magic on America.

The Tree of Liberty

WND has a great commentary on the ‘why and how’ of our national malaise. A few paragraphs in it reads:

Like the rest of our Founding Fathers, Jefferson knew that government was at its best a mechanism to be closely observed and strictly constrained. He understood that government must be fiercely constrained or it would become the creation by which our rights and freedoms would be sadistically controlled to the exclusion of the personal rights and freedoms of We the People.

The worst fears of our Founding Fathers have become reality. Two things the founders were unable to protect our great republic from were the evil machinations of corrupt men and an inbred craven citizenry. Thus, both of these illegitimate vagrancies have led America to the very precipice of destruction vis-a-vis the satanic transmogrification of government – a precipice, I might add, President Trump for the moment has spared us from going over.

Full article can be found here.

Another Trivia Game with AOC

Sniveling Occasional Cortex tweeted a complaint about the minimum wage and compared it to the price of a croissant. It read:

” Croissants at LaGuardia are going for SEVEN DOLLARS A PIECE,” she tweeted. “Yet some people think getting a whole hour of personal, dedicated human labor for $15 is too expensive??

The minimum wage at LaGuardia is actually $19 an hour. Once again, everything about this idiot is wrong. It’s just one long trivia game where she misstates something and we are challenged to show just how wrong she is.