The 17th Saying

I shall give you what no eye has seen and what no ear has heard and what no hand has touched and what has never occurred to the human mind.”

The 17th Saying in the Gospel of Thomas

What Do They All Have In Common?

“When you look historically at socialist and communist states, what do they all have in common? The only way they can enforce equality is through a police state. … You can’t have equality without a police state or without a massive form of government coercion. That is what’s not being said. That is what’s not being taught. And that is what Americans need to understand.”

–Monica Crowley

It Had Slipped Right By Me

I spent a little time this morning reading the ‘After Action Reports’ of knuckleheads testimony before what I thought was the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform (OGR) . What I did not realize is that when the the Dem’s came back into power in the house, they changed the name, and apparently the scope of the committee. Below is an extract from Breitbart (full article here). What this means is that we now have a congressional committee with the charter to overlook/investigate/implement ‘reform’ in the country. I’m so naive, thought we are/were a free country.

I do take exception to the conclusion that the article’s author reaches (the scope of the committee authority being about Trump), this about as huge a power grab as any I could have imagined. The article reads:

And now it becomes crystal clear why Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD), the chair of the committee, renamed it last month. What was once the “Committee on Oversight and Government Reform (OGR)” is now the “Committee on Oversight and Reform (COR)” — i.e. no “government.” Cummings said the new name reflected the committee’s “true jurisdiction, which covers both government and the private sector.” By “private sector,” he meant “Trump.”

Around the Farm

I haven’t posted much about the goings on around the farm for several weeks now. It has rained so much that there was nothing that could be done except making sure the cattle had plenty of hay. The two photo’s below were taken off of my back porch. There are two waterfalls that should be in the pictures, but the creek was swollen so much that they disappeared. Note that the trees that are in the water actually sit on the creek bank when it is flowing normally.

I was fortunate enough to get my first set of trees in the ground before the heavens opened and so in a couple of years they will begin to produce. I’ve put in apple, plum, pear and peach. I still need 3 more apple trees (2 Granny Smith and an additional Fuji). I wish I had known how to prune fruit trees before I bought them as that may have helped me select trees that didn’t need to be cut back so severely. FYI, the diagrams below show how it should be done. The first is ‘Open Vase’ for the peach and plum, the second is ‘Central Leader’ for the apple and pear.

I planted 6 blueberry bushes (three varieties) , they will produce this year. Also put some garlic in the ground and it is coming up well. As a test I planted some ‘California Soft Neck’ garlic I purchased at a nursery along with two types I purchased in the food section of the local Walmart. The organic garlic from Wally’s came up perfectly while the regular garlic did not come up at all.

I won’t be able to get the boat back on the water for at least a couple of weeks, the runoff from the flooding rains has pushed the rivers well out of their banks and they now have ’embedded’ tree trunks a foot or below the surface. The rivers are running so rapidly that there is no way to hold position.

Anyway, that’s the way things are in my neck of the woods.

As 2020 Heats Up

Something to keep in mind as Oprah warms up for her endorsements. She has no problem screwing over those that trust her. If she will do it to those that know that she knows, how much greater the screwing to those that she does not.

Your Betters

This is the face of the evil that seeks to tell us how to live and how/who to worship. Europe may want to welcome him and his lot into their socialist hell, but (thanks to Trunp) he’ll never find a home in America.

Imagine for a moment if the dems were successful in opening our immigration system for the free flow of terrorists ‘refugees’, any doubt what future our nation would have?