Careful What You Wish For

How much information could they gather? Most bots don’t have smell sensors, but they do have microphones and cameras - which could catch illegal activity

Why anyone would have one of these government devices in their home is beyond me.

From the Daily Mail (here): Smart assistants could soon come with a ‘moral AI’ to decide whether to report their owners for breaking the law.  That’s the suggestion of academics at who say that household gadgets like the Amazon Echo and Google Home should be enhanced with ethical smart software. This would let them to weigh-up whether to report illegal activity to the police, effectively putting millions of people under constant surveillance.  

Researchers suggested that digital assistants should possess an ethical awareness that simultaneously represents both the owner and the authorities – or, in the case of a minor, their parents.    Devices would then have an internal ‘discussion’ about suspect behavior, weighing up conflicting demands between the law and personal freedoms, before arriving at the ‘best’ course of action.


Damn, I meet all of the exceptions except being a Republican. I was a Republican and then it dawned on me that the party had quit being conservative and turned to lining their pockets.

Things Are Often Not What They Appear

milo protest

Breitbart is running a story about the liberal that smacked down a conservative on the UC Berkley campus. Seems that neither of the folk involved were students.

A university spokesperson said that the school’s police department has identified a potential suspect, and they don’t believe he is a student. He also confirmed that the victim is not a student at, or affiliate of the University, and had joined members of a student group as a member of an advocacy training program. Full story here.

Oh Nose; Democrat Raises Taxes and Fees

A turnpike worker collects a toll at a toll booth off the Ohio Turnpike Tuesday, Jan. 11, 2005 in North Ridgeville, Ohio. Ohio turnpike workers are negotiating a contract following a weeklong strike by Pennsylvania turnpike workers that failed to disrupt toll collections. (AP Photo/Tony Dejak)

As seen at Breitbart: In a budget speech Wednesday that left voters reeling, Lamont, a telecommunications entrepreneur who campaigned as a businessman who knew how to reverse the state’s financial crisis, mapped out his plans to bring Connecticut back from the brink of near-bankruptcy – but none of them involved cutting spending.

In fact, the Democrat proposed increased spending as he also pushed for at least 53 electronic overhead toll gantries across what is the third smallest state in the United States – for all cars and trucks. In addition, Lamont called for expanded sales taxes on dozens of new items and services as well as new taxes on sugary drinks, a surcharge on plastic bags, and a $15 minimum wage.

Full story here.

American Flag ‘a Rag’

Meet Nebraska State Sen. Ernie Chambers (I-Omaha). Ernie likes to refer to the American flag as “a rag” and compares it to a swastika.

Chambers made the comments during a floor speech where he was criticizing a bill, LB 399, which would update civics requirements in the state’s schools to improve student literacy “in civics, history, economics, financial literacy, and geography.”

“I don’t come here for this rag every day, and it’s a rag. That’s all it is to me,” Chambers said, referring to the American flag. “When you show a way to persuade Jews to sanctify and worship the swastika, when you show me that I’ll come up here and stand while you all hypocritically pretend that rag is something that it definitely is not.”

Chambers represents parts of Omaha and has served in their senate since 1971. He’s been doing this same shit for 48 years.

Venezuela: What Happens to a Disarmed Populace

The Truth About Guns has a great article that talks to all of the bad that comes from having a socialist government and a disarmed populous. It only took a couple of years before the fruit of that tree bore true. Article can be found here.

If you think that this could not happen in America, think carefully about what is now going on and how absolutely the democrats have a hard on for both socialism and ‘common sense gun control’.

A Revolution in Blue

I wonder how long it will be before AOC is stomped? She seems to think she is the new sheriff in Sodom town, and that the swamp will allow her to kidnap the direction the party takes. Careful AOC, the Clinton’s may still believe they are the leaders of this circus. Bad, bad things happen to those that chaff the Ugly Woman.

The Coming: An Ugly Future

The nation is edging toward what once would have been thought the impossible: socialism. In times past it would have been entirely possible to toss off bonds that this miserable social system brings with it, but I expect that technology has progressed to the point that the surveillance state will now have the means to identify and punish anyone that leaves the straight and narrow. A look at what is currently going on in China and how they are using technology to control their masses is a harbinger of things to come in America should the socialists succeed in gaining control. An ugly picture is forming.

The 46th Saying in the Gospel of Thomas

“Among those born of women, from Adam until John the Baptist, there is no one so superior to John the Baptist that his eyes should not be lowered (before him). Yet I have said, whichever one of you comes to be a child will be acquainted with the kingdom and will become superior to John.”

The 29th Saying

“If the flesh came into being because of spirit, it is a wonder. But if spirit came into being because of the body, it is a wonder of wonders. Indeed, I am amazed at how this great wealth has made its home in this poverty.”

29th Saying in Gospel of Thomas