Neckman and the Joker
When it comes to mugshots, they are upping their game in Florida.
On the right is Lawrence Sullivan, a 30-year-old tattoo model from the Miami area. He was arrested for violating probation on a 2017 firearms violation.
I can’t tell you who the Neckman actually is, but wherever he is, I will be not.
World Class Clowns
Sex Uber Alles, and Definitely Don’t Tell the Parents
A Florida school district allowed a self-described transgender female student regular access to the boys’ locker room, with no advance warning to the boys or their parents. School administrators forbade teachers from talking about the change, and ordered a male P.E. teacher to supervise the potentially undressed girl in the Chasco Middle School locker room. When he refused to “knowingly place himself in a position to observe a minor female in the nude or otherwise in a state of undress,” administrators told him “he will be transferred to another school as discipline for ‘not doing your job in the locker room.’” Full story here
Thursday Morning Energizer
Your Interlude Provided by Kansas: Dust in the Wind
WDC Concealed Carry Up 1440 Percent
Importantly, we are talking permits and not applications.
The number of Washington D.C. concealed carry permit holders skyrocketed over 1440 percent since the District lost a key legal battle. Its previous restrictive gun permitting process at the was challenged and overturned at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia last year.
The Metropolitan Police Department confirmed that 1,896 concealed carry permits were issued by MPD for the calendar year 2018 (to date).
MPD noted that several hundred approvals came from applications submitted in late 2017.
Prior the court ruling only 123 people had active D.C. concealed carry permits and MPD previously denied CCP applicants and MPD denied 77 percent of applicants for not providing a “good reason” to carry.
Meanwhile, House Democrats announced last week their caucus will aggressively push for more gun control measures in the new Congress.
Gun Logic
“Keeping and bearing arms is not only a fundamental right; it is a fundamental duty upon which all liberty and sovereignty is based.”
– Donald L. Cline
Does Thomas Rely on the Synoptics?
Patterson: If Thomas were dependent upon the synoptic gospels, it would be possible to detect in the case of every Thomas-synoptic parallel the same tradition-historical development behind both the Thomas version of the saying and one or more of the synoptic versions. That is, Thomas’ author/editor, in taking up the synoptic version, would have inherited all of the accumulated tradition-historical baggage owned by the synoptic text, and then added to it his or her own redactional twist. This is not the case.
Rather than reflecting the same tradition-historical development that stands behind their synoptic counterparts, these Thomas sayings seem to be the product of a tradition-history which, though exhibiting the same tendencies operative within the synoptic tradition, is in its own specific details quite unique. This means, of course, that these sayings are not dependent upon their synoptic counterparts, but rather derive from a parallel and separate tradition.
Mind Candy: Consciousness Creates Reality
Apparently Not a Team Player
Daily Cabin
iGen, In Constant Search for Safe Space
The iGen is the generation born in 1995 and later, and they’re the first generation to spend their entire adolescence in the age of the smartphone. They spend a lot more time online, on social media and playing games, and they spend less time on non-screen activities like reading books, sleeping or seeing their friends in face-to-face interactions.
Those children are growing up more slowly. By the age of 18, they are less likely to have a driver’s license, to work in a paying job, to go out on dates, to drink alcohol or to go out without their parents compared to teens in previous generations.
So iGen’s probably the safest generation in history and they like that idea of feeling safe.
Occasional-Cortex and the Brain Cell Deficiency
The Lid has a good read on the poor state of our educational system (here). It begins with:
Whenever Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez sits for an interview, people wonder if Boston University is going to demand she return her diploma because of her lack of brain cells giving the school a bad reputation. Her protest of Amazon locating one of its new headquarters in Queens, New York, proves that getting elected to Congress didn’t spur a significant growth of cranial neurons.
More Hell in California
The Northern California fire has now killed 48 people as six more folk were reported dead overnight.
First responders are still searching for victims in Paradise while more than 5,000 firefighters are working to put out the fire that destroyed nearly 8,000 homes and forced 52,000 people to flee.
Of course all of this is Trump’s fault and there is widespread criticism for his comments about poor forest management as the root cause of the disaster.
Ouch, Life in Trumps Line of Fire
Trump slammed Macron on Tuesday via Twitter and included a note about Macron’s low approval ratings, France’s high unemployment rate and even French surrender during World War II, saying that the French were “learning German” by the time the U.S. intervened in the conflict.
Other globalist bent leaders breathed a sigh of relief that this time they weren’t in Trump’s sights. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau were present at the weekend’s commemoration, and have feuded with Trump before. They sat silent as the Trumpster blasted Macron, happy to be out of the line of fire for the moment.
Feel the Bern
A Cabin Scene for Irish
Irish asked the question: “Is there a place left where you run the rat race instead of it running you?” He’s taking comments at his place.
27 Years
Mind Candy: Five Easy Questions
Patterson on the Timing of Thomas
Stephen J. Patterson: While the cumulative nature of the sayings collection understandably makes the Gospel of Thomas difficult to date with precision, several factors weigh in favor of a date well before the end of the first century: the way in which Thomas appeals to the authority of particular prominent figures (Thomas, James) against the competing claims of others (Peter, Matthew); in genre, the sayings collection, which seems to have declined in importance after the emergence of the more biographical and dialogical forms near the end of the first century; and its primitive christology, which seems to presuppose a theological climate even more primitive than the later stages of the synoptic sayings gospel, Q.
Together these factors suggest a date for Thomas in the vicinity of 70-80 C.E. As for its provenance, while it is possible, even likely, that an early version of this collection associated with James circulated in the environs of Jerusalem, the Gospel of Thomas in more or less its present state comes from eastern Syria, where the popularity of the apostle Thomas (Judas Didymos Thomas) is well attested.
Truth and Trust
” … for it is a truth, which the experience of all ages has attested, that the people are commonly most in danger when the means of insuring their rights are in the possession of those of whom they entertain the least suspicion.”
– Alexander Hamilton
Full Trust in the Electoral Process
The Newest Liberal Paradigm: Self Degradation to Curry Favor
A Morning Musical Interlude
A Musical Interlude Courtesy of Otis Taylor
Tennessee Field Sobriety Test
The Way They Were
The Manly Man
The Art of Manliness is highlighting a work by Robert Greene that talks to knowing your limits. It’s a lengthy but very readable piece. Excerpt below and a link to the article here. Enjoy.
We humans have a deep need to think highly of ourselves. If that opinion of our goodness, greatness, and brilliance diverges enough from reality, we become grandiose. We imagine our superiority. Often, a small measure of success will elevate our natural grandiosity to even more dangerous levels. Our high self-opinion has now been confirmed by events. We forget the role that luck may have played in the success, or the contributions of others. We imagine we have the golden touch. Losing contact with reality, we make irrational decisions. That is why our success often does not last. Look for the signs of elevated grandiosity in yourself and in others—overbearing certainty in the positive outcome of your plans; excessive touchiness if criticized; a disdain for any form of authority. Counteract the pull of grandiosity by maintaining a realistic assessment of yourself and your limits. Tie any feelings of greatness to your work, your achievements, and your contributions to society.
Mind Candy: Time
Calling In Sick
Your Daily Cabin
Common Sense vs Utopia
“When the law disallows both the means and moral authority to defend one’s self and property, crime and violence fill the void between common sense and the hoped for utopia.”
– JD Filkins
Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism
Today’s lesson in moon-battery:
Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism is a phrase associated with far left movements. It envisions an idealistic society where gender norms have been abolished to such an extent that there is little to no difference between gay and straight, and due to automation, luxury is available to all people. Some communities substitute “queer” for “gay” as it is perceived as more inclusive. Other communities replace “Communism” with more specific ideologies such as Anarchism.
Buckle up Dorothy, Kansas is becoming a place of the distant past.
Don’t Lecture America on Veterans Day
French President Macron led tributes to the millions of soldiers killed in World War One on Sunday, using an emotional ceremony in Paris attended by scores of world leaders to warn against nationalism a century on from the conflict.
Macron spoke bluntly of the threat from nationalism, calling it a betrayal of moral values. He said:
“Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism: nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism,” Macron said. “When we say ‘our interests come first, those of others don’t matter’, we erase the very thing that a nation holds most precious, that which gives it life and makes it great: its moral values.”
A quick check of the dictionary shows that Macron is full of it. But beyond that, how dare he criticize the leader of the nation that pulled French bacon from the fire in two world wars.
the quality of being patriotic; devotion to and vigorous support for one’s country:
loyalty and devotion to a nation
Maintaining Control of the Herd
Britain’s biggest employer organization and main trade union body are up in arms over the prospect of British companies implanting staff with microchips to improve security.
The tiny chips, implanted in the flesh between the thumb and forefinger enable people to open their front door, access their office or start their car with a wave of their hand. The chips also store personal and medical information.
Now I’m not fond of Revelations, I can’t understand it and it smells (to me) like a post Christ cult production. With that said, chapter 13, verses 16 and 17 seem especially appropriate:
And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of its name…....
From the Ash Heap of History
The Wall Street Journal has published a compelling article on how and why Crooked Hillary will rise again to run in 2020. It states:
The generation of Democrats who have been waiting to take over the party from the Clintons will be fuming that she is back and stealing their show. But they revealed themselves to be bungling amateurs in the Brett Kavanaugh nomination fight, with their laughable Spartacus moments. She will trounce them. Just as Mr. Trump cleared the field, Mrs. Clinton will take down rising Democratic stars like bowling pins. Mike Bloomberg will support her rather than run, and Joe Biden will never be able to take her on.
A Republican Mob
You Can’t Fix Stupid
Joy Behar (The View) claimed Wednesday that Republicans maintained control–and even gained seats–in the Senate this election cycle because of gerrymandering, a process that impacts congressional districts.
ABC’s Matt Dowd had to reply that the Republican Party’s ability to control of the Senate while obtaining less votes in the national popular vote was not a result of gerrymandering. “That’s the Constitution,” he said.
This is the level of stupidity our education system now produces.
The Q Source Controversy
There has been a significant amount of controversy among bible scholars about the sequence in which the canonical gospels were written. A growing group believe that Mark was the first written gospel and that Matthew and Luke were written using material borrowed from Mark and another unknown source. That is to say that both Matthew and Luke have material in their gospels that is common to the gospel of Mark. There is common material found in Luke and in Matthew that is not found in Mark.
While the work of these scholars was originally directed toward the sequence in which the gospels were produced, more than mere timing has resulted from their studies. The search is now on for the source of the information found Mathew and Luke that is absent from Mark’s gospel. This ‘absent’ gospel is titled the Q gospel or Q Source because the original searcher/researcher was German and he was searching for the ‘quelle’, the German word for ‘source’. The Q Source is clearly not the Gospel of Thomas.
Scholars differ as to whether the alleged Q-source was a written source shared by Matthew and Luke, or simply an oral tradition they both had access to. Wherever we land in our conclusions about the method by which the gospel writers compiled their texts, the analysis gives us one clear benefit; because it isolates material that is found in Matthew and only in Matthew, or isolating material that is found in Luke and only in Luke, or isolating material found in Mark and only in Mark, we get clues as to the audience to which the author of these respective gospels was directing his information and also the major theme(s) in each gospel.
It seams that nothing is ever as it first appears.
Sunday’s Daily Cabin
Licensing as Part of the Plan
“A system of licensing and registration is the perfect device to deny gun ownership to the bourgeoisie.”
– Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
A Note on Veterans Day
From the Art of Manliness: Every generation has its share of men who fully live the art of manliness. But there may never have been a generation when the ratio of honorable men to slackers was higher than the one born between 1914 and 1929. These were the men that grew up during the Great Depression. They’re the men who went off to fight in the Big One. And they’re the men who came home from that war and built the nations of the Western world into economic powerhouses. They knew the meaning of sacrifice, both in terms of material possessions and of real blood, sweat, and tears. They were humble men who never bragged about what they had done or been through. They were loyal, patriotic, and level-headed. They were our Greatest Generation.
For the Ladies: Just So You Know
Word of the Day
No one really thought that we would get through an election cycle without Florida once again turning what should be a serious and thoughtful exercise of civic duty into an absolute circus. Until our society begins to publicly shame wrongdoers and commit the criminals to long/painful prison terms, these slimy people will not only continue, but others will join in as well.
We now know why the county officials refused to remove dead and unqualified voters from their voter rolls, it gives them the opportunity to submit ballots in their name in the dark of night.
Interlude: Sea And Silence
Here is some relaxing music to get your Sunday morning started off right. Enjoy