Texas law enforcement officials have arrested four women for allegedly targeting elderly voters in the 2016 elections in a “voter fraud ring” that was funded by a Democratic Party leader.
Indicted were Leticia Sanchez, 57, Leticia Sanchez Tepichin, 39, Maria Solis, 40, and Laura Parra, 24, on a cumulative 30 felony counts of voter fraud.
They conducted the scheme when applications for mail ballot were generated in targeted precincts. When ballots were mailed out by election offices, the group intercepted the ballots or ‘assisted’ elderly voters to ensure votes were cast for the democrat. In most cases, the voters didn’t even know their votes have been stolen.
“The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes…. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.”
– Thomas Jefferson (quoting 18th century criminologist Cesare Beccaria)
“If you care about what’s happening in the world, you have to care about running for and holding elected office. I hope it’s a question that we ask ourselves,” Clinton said.
The European Court of Human Rights has upheld the conviction of an Austrian lecturer who suggested that the founder of Islam, Prophet Mohammed was “a pedophile” for marrying a 6-year-old child.
he 47-year-old woman was previously convicted by an Austrian judge for hate crimes for discussing an Islamic scripture that described the 56-year-old prophet marrying a young girl and consummating the marriage when she was 9-years-old.
The seven-judge panel declared that her comparing Prophet Mohammed to a pedophile goes “beyond the permissible limits of an objective debate,” and that the Austrian court was right in “classifying them as an abusive attack which could stir up prejudice and threaten religious peace.” Full Story at Neonnettle
In a related insanity, Sinead O’Connor has announced she has abandoned Christianity to “become a Muslim.” She outraged the Catholic Church in the 1990s when she was ordained a priest by a fringe Catholic group. Lovely in black, she is pictured below.
“A patriot without religion in my estimation is as great a paradox as an honest Man without the fear of God. Is it possible that he whom no moral obligations bind, can have any real Good Will towards Men? Can he be a patriot who, by an openly vicious conduct, is undermining the very bonds of Society? … The Scriptures tell us “righteousness exalteth a Nation.”
Jesus said, “The
pharisees and the scribes have taken the keys of knowledge (gnosis) and hidden
them. They themselves have not entered, nor have they allowed to enter those
who wish to. You, however, be as wise as serpents and as innocent as
Cesar Altier Sayoc, 56, was taken into custody on Friday morning in Plantation, Florida in connection with the 14 suspicious packages that have been discovered this week. He has other prior convictions on felony charges including grand theft and drug possession with intent to distribute, but has never served prison time. Perhaps an earlier ‘intervention’ in his troubled life would have prevented this.
Sayoc was tied to the bomb spree through a fingerprint. FBI Director Chris Wray said that investigators recovered DNA from two other packages, which they linked to a sample taken from Sayoc in one of his many prior arrests.
Sayoc was convicted of a threat to ‘throw, place, project or discharge any destructive device’ in 2002 in Dade County, Florida, after he threatened to blow up a utility company over a customer service complaint.
Waters primer on how the opposition party should respond to losing an election: “If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd,” she said. “And you push back on them. And you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”
Those unhinged remarks got plenty of airtime, and earned Waters the rebuke of Democratic congressional leaders. But it wasn’t the most inane thing she said. Apparently urging mobs to gather outside Republicans’ homes at night, she added, “We’re saying, ‘No peace, no sleep! No peace, no sleep!’” If it occurred to any listener that forced sleep deprivation is a war crime, Waters wasn’t worried: “God is on our side,” she assured the crowd.
This is scene I’ve seen play out dozens of times. As a senior NCO I was routinely called on to lead funeral details for soldiers and veterans that were interred in North Alabama. If you’ve ever had to pass that flag to a widow or child you realize just how great that soldiers sacrifice was.
A long dark period in the nations history ended a little less than two years ago. I’m still embarrassed when I look back at that period and at the idiot that held himself out as the symbol of strength and freedom. Can you imagine what the world would think of us now if we had elected that stumbling drunk Hillary? When/if you pray, thank God that we dodged that train wreck. This November is just as important as that one two years ago. Vote !
There are many good things about living in a remote location and, as you would expect, some not so good. One of those not so good things is connectivity. Where I live in rural Tennessee is serviced by a phone company, but I built my home about half a mile from the road. I was willing to run the power underground because power lines across the landscape is damn ugly and I was able to find someone willing to dig a trench 4 foot deep and 2500 feet long at a reasonable price. Water was the same way, but it came in from a different direction. and ran almost a mile. When it came to phone lines and an internet connection I opted for a satellite. Now satellite service is perfectly adequate until heavy rains or significant cloud cover blanket the area. I had both yesterday and it made it difficult to post. In short, blame the weather and not your host for yesterdays slim postings !
“A government resting on the minority is an aristocracy, not a Republic, and could not be safe with a numerical and physical force against it, without a standing army, an enslaved press and a disarmed populace.”
After apologizing for her own white/Jewish/female privilege last week, the joke that is Chelsea Handler now attacks the GOP for their “white Christian male spite”. I guess that she has self nominated herself as the moral compass of the nation. Her critique rails against all things I, in my obviously misguided state, have cheered. She’s obviously fighting her own demons. I wish her well, but not success. She says:
“Our nation is a republic, supposedly democratic in nature, but the 2018 reality resembles a wholly undemocratic farce, replete with our Professional-Wrestler-In-Chief, his crooked Russian-Republican Duma, his rigged Republican Frat Boy Supreme Court, and a nationwide network of vote suppressors and vote riggers and oligarchic donors and bribers doing their seditious best to once again subvert democracy in the name of right-wing tyranny.”
The full story and much more blather from this loon at Breitbart along with a tremendous number of great comments/critiques.
We missed our turn somewhere and ended up on a path where the loonies are defining normalcy for the nation.
Lady Gaga (above) drivels the following: “The government may be living in an alternate universe, but we as a society & culture know who we are and know our truth and must stick together and raise our voices so we can educate them about gender identities,”
Your host at the headwaters of the Arkansas River.
Breitbart ran an article on Harley that implied that the drop in sales was due to his feud with President Trump. While I agree, without holding myself out as a representative of the the rider community, that most riders are Trump supporters. Most of them know that presidents come and go. What doesn’t come and go is our love for the country. The Harley brand has always stood as a symbol of our country. When Harley decided to move some production to Taiwan (or wherever OCONUS) for money, it showed that that the firm was less interested in Harley as a symbol of America as long as they were able to line their pockets. While I no longer ride, I believe that those that do will bring the leadership of Harley to their bony knees.
I read an article about Harley a short while ago on Breitbart that I believe completely misses the mark. I’ll point out the error of there ways shortly, but reading the article brought to my mind some of the many journey’s I’d taken. Below was shot at Yosemite a couple of years back. Photo’s of your host with mods by paint.net.
intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption of authority … the
Constitution was made to guard against the dangers of good intentions. There
are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They
promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters.”
seems that everything is racist today. The ultra-liberal group, PETA,
now claims that milk is racist. Is it because it exercises white
privilege? Actually, according to PETA, it is. They claim that Europeans
are able to digest milk better than people from Africa or other
non-European countries. But if milk is banned, it will put a lot of
black and brown cows out of work. Isn’t that racist?
March for Our Lives co-founder David Hogg said politicians should
have addressed the problem of school shootings “centuries ago.”
“We have to develop this courage when our political leaders refuse to
have it,” Hogg said. “When politicians say now is not the time to talk
about this, they’re right. The time to talk about this was decades and
centuries ago when we should have ended the violence.”
Hogg gave a profanity-laced interview in March, attacking Republicans and the National Rifle Association. Saying: “They’re pathetic fuckers that want to keep killing our children,” Never mind that Hogg has no children, he continued with: “They could have blood from children splattered all over their faces and they wouldn’t take action, because they all still see those dollar signs.”
Obviously he is not the adult in the room, saying: “our parents don’t know how to use a fucking democracy, so we have to.”
Hogg’s mother earlier said that he decided to postpone college to work on the midterm elections. That’s not quite so, the persistent memory that is the internet writes history differently as seen in this article at the Free Beacon. That article is also instructive as it highlights the lefts tactics when one of their useless idiots is called out, in this instance by Laura Ingram.
Hogg also recently attacked Nancy Pelosi because she is old. Saying: “Older Democrats just won’t move the f—k off the plate and let us take control. Nancy Pelosi is old,”
And so the **it show continues. Wonder how long Hogg will be in the news post mid-terms