An Obscure Passing

One of my few neighbors fell over (aged 50 years) earlier this month.  He, to his surprise and the surprise of his friends and family, had a massive heart attack.  The folk at Huntsville Hospital were able to keep him alive for a few days, but he passed on none-the-less. 

Lynn was a good man.

I’ve never met a more kind hearted and industrious man than Lynn.  He worked anywhere between 40 and 70 hours a week for TVA, worked nights and weekends tending roughly 80 head of his cattle on several different fields.  As a guess Lynn mowed, raked, and bailed hay for 8 or 10 different folk several times a year.  He had 6 or 7 tractors that could be reliably counted on not to start without divine intervention and the application of bailing wire and ether.  It never slowed him down in the least.  He restored/rebuilt classic muscle cars, reloaded his own ammo, took his daughter hunting religiously.

Lynn weighed 4 lbs and some odd ounces at birth.  A veteran of the Gulf War and member of the Army Reserves, Lynn stood about 5’1 or so and clocked in at 115 lbs on a good day.  His momma tried to baby him his entire life.  If Lynn was mowing a field you could count on his mother either being at the edge of it or in a tractor lending a hand.  She can run a tractor (and other farm implements) as well as any man.  I suppose that in this part of rural Alabama/Tennessee when your husband dies (as hers did) that you pick up real quick on how to make shit work or you starve.  Lynn was her only son and I am told that she is devastated.

Wifey and I went to the funeral and I can reliably report that folk in this neck of the woods don’t spend a whole lot of time in mourning.  With the exception of Lynn’s mom and one or two of his friends it seems that every one of the 70 or so attendees had ulterior motives.  The Baptist minister mistook the funeral for an opportunity to save wayward souls and spent 95 percent of his time in the limelight trying to bring folk to Jesus.  Unwed/newly divorced girls dressed provocatively in sheer strips of black dresses that highlighted their breasts and tattoos while drawing attention away from the missing teeth and extra pounds.  All the aunts, uncles and distant relatives leveraged the occasion to convene a family reunion that, considering the laughing, joking, and introductions, they clearly have not enjoyed in decades.  Life goes on uninterrupted.

Meanwhile a good and simple man has passed beyond this life and I can’t help but think that heaven is better for having received him.

Clown World

Think that these frkrs don’t know that the nation is filled with absolute idiots?  What is being proposed is that the country now implement a tax on theoretical income (‘unrealized gains’) to pay for humongous infrastructure and social spending plans that do not address infrastructure or social needs. 

Of course the question on everyone’s mind is:  “if the plan cost nothing (as your president is fond of saying), then why do we need a new tax to pay for it?”

If they can sneak this tax past us now (after all it only effects those undeserving rich folk) I can guarantee that 3 years down the road the Supreme Court will rule that it’s “all or none”, and that it is unconstitutional to tax one class of folk one way and others a different way.  All of sudden every single asset held by every single American is exposed to this new tax. 

Gee, I wonder why they wanted visibility into every bank account that had more than six hundred buck pass through it?  Gee, I wonder why they need 87,000 more IRS agents?  Guess we will never know.

Those Who Would Lead Us

School board associations would appear to be wonderfully tyrannical bastards of the first order, but even they cannot match the Machiavellian weasels in government.   If I understand the play-by-play of the drip, drip, drip from the fourth estate, the school board leadership coordinated the development of their letter to the government (Biden administration) with the ‘White House’ (Biden Administration) who in turn coordinated the response with the Justice Department (Biden Administration).  Essentially, the ‘White House’ coordinated both the complaint and the response.  The school board didn’t target the parents, the White House did.

This stinks on so many levels what with the nail-biter gubernatorial elections, the targeting of the white middle class, the corruption in the justice department, white house, state house, school boards, and schools (not to mention political parties).  All this to perpetuate the false narrative on transvestites and the safety of children in schools.  What all of this hullabaloo was designed to do was to cover up the first crime and to mask the reality of liberal social policies:  the rape of a child by man who claimed to be a woman so he could abuse innocent children.

There are bunches of assholes that should be praying earnestly that there be no God.


Parasitic Whiteness

Ripped from the pages of Breitbart. (Graphics and outtakes by your host.)

A research in the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association describes “whiteness” as a “malignant, parasitic-like condition” that makes the host person “voracious, insatiable, and perverse,” and warns that there is “not yet a permanent cure.”

This “permanent cure” issue has me,
as a white man,
somewhat concerned !

“On Having Whiteness,” the apparently peer-reviewed article written by Dr. Donald Moss, a white male and a current faculty member of both the New York Psychoanalytic Institute and the San Francisco Center for Psychoanalysis discussed, went viral on social media this week once it was discovered.

The article’s abstract says the “condition” of “whiteness,” after one acquires it, gives the person a “malignant, parasitic-like condition to which ‘white’ people have a particular susceptibility.”

He added that the condition, while “being in one’s body, in one’s mind, and in one’s world,” makes the “host” specifically target nonwhite people due to their “parasitic Whiteness.”

Moss further wrote: “once established, these appetites are nearly impossible to eliminate.” Moss went on to explain how a person could pursue treatment for the “condition.”

“Effective treatment consists of a combination of psychic and social-historical interventions,” Moss wrote.

“Such interventions can reasonably aim only to reshape Whiteness’s infiltrated appetites—to reduce their intensity, redistribute their aims, and occasionally turn those aims toward the work of reparation,” he continued.

Moss wrote that “the ravages wreaked by the chronic condition can function either as warning (‘never again’) or as temptation (‘great again’).”

The doctor also said that “Memorialization alone, therefore, is no guarantee against regression” and currently, “there is not yet a permanent cure.”

I weep for our nation

More Goodies

The garden is beginning to push out the first of the many promised goodies of the year.  While I’ve been pulling and sharing three lettuce types for a couple of weeks, it looks like my variety of cherry tomatoes called ‘Katinka’ are coming into their own.  I’ve got 5 of these plants, three are pruned to a single vine while the other two have two vines each.  The fruit when mature is orange/gold and they are a blast fresh from the plant. 

This is the first year that I’ve pruned my cuc’s to a single vine and the first year that I’ve gone with fermenting them instead of pickling with vinegar and canning.  I’ve never previously pruned a cucumber plant, and it was painful.  Here is a video that explains it better than I ever could:

It’s painful because I worked so hard to get them from a seed to a seedling, through the transplant, past the frost, and finally growing on a trellis. To cut them back is counter intuitive.

I pulled enough yesterday afternoon for two quarts of pickles.  I drove over to the Puncheon Church of Christ and filled 12 quart jars from the hillside spring and boiled it to get rid of the bad stuff/things.  I figure that I’ll be putting up several quarts per week so I’ll have extra water prepared.  I’m going with spring water for all my ferments from now on, the crap that comes out of the faucet just doesn’t cut it.  Here is a re-post of the spring from earlier this year:

I pickled using 2 TBLS salt per quart of water (vice quart of pickles) and added dill seed, thyme, garlic, fresh cracked black pepper, a touch of cumin and a little bit of tea out of a ‘Red Diamond’ tea bag.  I hear that the tannins in black tea (and in grape leaves) will keep the pickles crisp for a good long while. 

Glass weights topped off inside with a loose fitting lid outside and I was done.  Will know in about 3 days if/how I need to adjust.

I see that my Patty Pan squash has begun to yield. There are few things better than roasting halved Patty Pan with butter and seasoning as a topping. Good eats!

Wacked Out

Somewhere and some time ago some wacked out physiologists weaseled their way into advertising agencies and together they birthed the absolutely insane commercials we are now sprayed with while watching TV.

The new normal for advertisements is for the visual to change every second, and the visuals that are shown in each individual second has both the subject moving within the frame and the camera moving. There is not a static moment in any advertising except, perhaps, the last 2 seconds.

Here’s an example of the new normal in advertising. There are more than 30 scene changes in this 30 second commercial. Note also that the camera is never steady until the last 2 seconds.

Imagine what impact this constant barrage has on a child’s developing mind. Is it any wonder that big pharma has made billions from stuffing pills down the throats of children diagnosed with ‘attention disorders’.

Like No Other

June 6, 1944 was a day like no other. It was ‘D Day’, the first day of Operation Overlord.

The invasion of Normandy’s beaches consisted of 5,333 Allied ships and landing craft embarking nearly 175,000 men.  

The U.S. VII Corps sustained 22,119 casualties from 6 June to 1 July, including 2,811 killed, 13,564 wounded, 5,665 missing, and seventy-nine captured.

American personnel in Britain included 1,931,885 land, 659,554 air, and 285,000 naval—a total of 2,876,439 officers and men. While in Britain they were housed in 1,108 bases and camps.

The Allied forces for Operation Overlord comprised twenty-three infantry divisions (thirteen U.S., eight British, two Canadian); twelve armored (five U.S., four British, one each Canadian, French, and Polish); and four airborne (two each U.S. and British)—for a total of twenty American divisions, fourteen British, three Canadian, and one each French and Polish.

Air assets included 3,958 heavy bombers (3,455 operational), 1,234 medium and light bombers (989 operational), and 4,709 fighters (3,824 operational), for 9,901 total and 8,268 operational. Allowing for aircrews, 7,774 U.S. and British Commonwealth planes were available for operations on 6 June, but these figures do not include transports and gliders.

But planes and boats didn’t fight and win the war in Europe; the mean sons-of-bitches from America did.

Being just a little crazy helped with the butterflies, and it damn sure scared the crap out of the Germans. They called the troopers of 504 Infantry Regiment of the 82nd “devils in baggy pants”. They called (and still call) themselves ‘The Devils Brigade”

Think that these folk aren’t bad-ass? When they finished up in Europe, the Mediterranean, and island hopping in the Pacific, they returned home and built the greatest nation the world has ever seen.

Those that seek to destroy the nation from within might do well to note that the same grit and determination that won the second war to end all wars still lives on in the heartland of this country. Tread lightly.


I once thought that there was nothing that could keep me from showing my pride as an American. Now, I find myself here.

Hot Time: Summer In The City

As the summer of ’21 approaches, one might be well served to place a little distance between themselves and the retribution class. I’m not saying, I’m just saying…

Why grab a bottle when you can ‘harvest’ in bulk?

Nothing like a little night time entertainment to celebrate one’s heritage

Door prizes provided courtesy of a local wireless vendor.

What care looks like when you run off the first responders.

2020 was just the warmup round. Much bigger/better things to come.
Best be getting your butts out of the cities folks.

Just Sayin

AOC equated herself to a military war veteran and said she has been “doing therapy” to help her deal with the “trauma” she allegedly experienced during the U.S. Capitol riot on Jan. 6. She said that she and her fellow congress-members basically “served in war” during the riot.

I fail to see the relationship of AOC’s life experiences (including those dated January 6) to the experiences of our veterans. Just sayin:

Memorial Day?

How long before the 1619, Hands Up Don’t Shoot, BLM, SPLC, NAACP and ANTIFA crowd decide that what really needs to be memorized on Memorial Day is the memory of St. Floyd?

Think that that can’t happen?

The Garden

I put a little more planning and a bit more money into my garden this year. I’ll be 68 this year and the prospect of pulling massive amounts weeds for the balance of my years pushed me to invest in some labor saving initiatives.

The ‘West-Side’ planting zone. Lettuce harvesting has already started (thus the blank spots on the left most row. From the left: lettuce and cabbage in the first two rows, third row back is broccoli, near side is Napa (Asian) cabbage, forth row back is a different variety of Napa (far) and watermelon (near), Then three rows of 6 types of tomatoes (with parsley interspersed) , another row of watermelon, a full row of okra, and finally a half row of artichoke.

The most significant changes that I made this year are: the use a professional grade woven plastic ground cover in my large planting areas, the use of drip tape, and the use of professional grade netting. I still have weeds to pull around the edges, but for they are so few it is almost enjoyable.

Prize Head lettuce after harvesting between heads.

The only thing that has yet to mature in the garden (except herbs) is the lettuce. We pulled some for the kids and us last week and then 10 more head yesterday for friends.

The South Side planting area has 8 variety of peppers, a row of tomatoes, two types of pickling cucumbers, slicing cucumbers, three types of melons, two varieties of pole beans, and two types of squash.

I’m growing my cantaloupe on trellis this year and for the first time am growing my cucumbers pruned to a single runner.

Boston Pickling cucumber in the foreground, rows of peppers in the rear

The ‘anchor’ vegetable (fruit actually) of the garden is Roma tomatoes. They are staked differently (Florida weave) than the indeterminate varieties (clipped to trellis’)

Roma tomatoes in the 10 southern most raised beds. Watering in these beds is via PVC with tiny holes drilled in them.

The growing season is just getting kicked off and I suppose things could go south on me, but right now it looks like I’ve saved myself a butt-load of work downstream by stepping up my game.

A box of herbs: sage, oregano, rosemary, chives, Asian chives, parsley (a ‘volunteer’) and thyme

I had a single parsley plant materialize in one of the planting beds (the plant with the white flowers above) and I let it grow out to seed. I guess in a week or two I’ll be able to harvest those for next years planting. The photo below is a closer view of the parsley flowers

So goes the garden!

Bee Sting

Another spot on observation

From the Babylon Bee: Dr. Fauci Gets In Heated Debate With Seventeen Previous Versions Of Himself.

WASHINGTON, D.C.—After a brief temporal anomaly occurred in Washington, D.C., causing a version of Dr. Fauci from just two weeks ago to materialize in the city, the current Dr. Fauci got in a heated debate with the manifestation of himself from the past. Full story here.

I Hear It’s Nice There This Time of Year

This over at The Sun (with pilings on by international ‘others’).

Prince Harry has been told he should “move to Zimbabwe” if he doesn’t understand he’s in the “crosshairs” of the American paparazzi.  Joe Siracusa, a professor at Curtin University in Perth, Australia, said the Duke of Sussex also needs to learn how the First Amendment works in the US.  It follows Harry’s criticism of the amendment, which protects free speech, as “bonkers”.

“If Harry doesn’t understand that he’s in the crosshairs of the American paparazzi, that is the American media, then he ought to go for a long walk somewhere and move to Zimbabwe or some Asian village or maybe some Chinese fishing village somewhere. 

It’s a great story – you’ve got a royal who married a grade B actress. He spits out the dummy and goes to America.

We’re Just That Stupid I Guess

I saw an article over at Yahoo that looked to be a straightforward examination of inflation in grocery prices. I’ll note at the outset that the yellow circles are something that I’ve added to the graphics.

What the hell? They didn’t compare prices, they surveyed folk and asked them about prices! Another ‘follow the science’ moment in American journalism I guess. Let’s get everyone overwrought about shit that just ain’t so.

WTF, if that doesn’t get them fired up, lets add a racial disparity twist to the equation and see if we can begin some type of new victimhood. ‘Spending Inequality’ my ass.

The sad part is that the nation has become so dumb’d down that most absorb this drivel without question. We’re hosed.


I really am beginning to understand the nature of the battle we find ourselves in. When I see that 4 Trillion Dollars is just a down payment (of sorts) toward fixing this ‘inequality’ thingy all the white folk have created, I can see that the first phase of the war will be the economic destruction of whitey’s world.

The war had begun unnoticed, the battles won thru capitulation. I guess that we’ll soon find that the victors will most certainly enslave the defeated majority.