What Your EU Masters Have Wrought

Muslim migrant to the Netherlands holds young Dutch boy naked at gunpoint. Muslim gangs post videos like these on Youtube to humiliate white men.

CAUTION: It’s not easy to watch as the boy is clearly in fear that his life is about to be taken.

Posted here because each of us needs to be aware of the what evil looks like and what it is we are importing. Today the Netherlands, tomorrow America.


The Energizer Tweeter

Can you imagine how devastating it would be to have the Trumpster on your ass. Day in, day out, all day long he keeps pushing and prodding until you finally break. It’s going to be glorious when Pelosi finally cracks !

It’s Your Fantasy Not Mine

It’s important to you that others buy into your fantasy because it somehow makes you feel ‘validated’. Damn, I really hate to say it, but I couldn’t give a rats ass whether you feel validated or not.

Sorry buddy, I’m not responsible for whatever demons you’ve introduced into your life and into our society. You’ve got to live with that nightmare on your own.

Because You Were Told To, That’s Why

I’ve got some unwelcome news for this asshat; while your past service is admirable, you didn’t serve in the Middle East because you decided to keep the barbarians from the gates, you served there because you were told to go.

Crenshaw has a bias towards war and is too blind (no pun intended) to see that we are being manipulated by far away dictators who desire that our nations treasure be used as fodder to satisfy their quest for greater wealth and power.

It’s Not Oppression, It’s Delusion

The brainwashing of the left has been so successful that for many the very existence of a white male, regardless of station or stature, is to be ridiculed.

Up has become down, good now evil. Those that most loudly proclaim that others are intolerant are the most intolerant of all. What is the source of their profound indignity? Only one agency has both the reach and persistence needed to delude a society so well and for so long: the 4th estate.

The press has used their immense political and social power to manipulate our citizenry. The Trumpster has pegged them for what they are and he battles them daily to diminish the sway they wield over society. It may be a loosing battle, but one surely worth fighting.