Same Shit, Different Day

I’m not even going to try to keep up with all of the twists and turns that have exploded into the public space, other than to note two basic observations:

  1. It seems as if the Drudge Report has fallen to the influences of the dark side. I started noting this about a month (or so) ago: the subtle shifting of a story, the obvious exclusion of conservative viewpoints that were available on other sites, the overlooking of exculpatory information when repeating liberal accusations. Today’s page is so full of obvious errors (favoring progressive voices) and absent of conservative perspective that I fear they are lost.
  2. The Democrat’s have totally lost their shit; that makes them dangerous, like a cornered rat. They are so vested in the destruction of the Orange Man that they cannot turn from that task without ruining their own comfy positions on the government gravy train. They won’t win, but as they go down in flames they will seriously (and perhaps irrevocably) damage the great American experiment.

The Trump Doctrine

A great speech by a great man in front of the UN today. If you missed it, I urge you to pull it up and see exactly what an American President should sound like. His words today define exactly what will be known as ‘The Trump Doctrine’.

Around Here

The weather is not cooperating with my well made plans; I had hoped to get out on the river several times this week. It looks like Thursday will be it. I don’t fish the weekends (launch points become a circus), but even if I did it would be very uncomfortable at 90+ with no shade.

So I strapped the brush hog on the tractor (me below) and cut the front most 25 acre pasture.

If you’ve followed this site at all over the last year, you will have heard me talk about the ‘front pasture’, ‘middle pasture’, and ‘back field’. Here’s a graphic that kinda-sorta explains what the hell I’ve been saying.

What is within the yellow outline is 111 acres. The dashed yellow lines are interior cross fencing. That fencing is ran in such a way to permit the cattle access to the stream that runs along the west (left) side of the property. The lowest area in the graphic is the front pasture; that is the 25 acres that I mowed today. The next section is the middle pasture. That large field in the upper most portion of the graphic is (of course) the back field; this is where the photo’s I posted the other day (hay bales) were taken.

I know that it kinda takes the mystery out of what I’ve been posting here, but I had a few folks ask……